Hey, I need to use Julia package Phylonetworks, it says it’s supported for Julia versions 0.3.X and not tested on 0.4 or above, thus why I need to use the ANCIENT version (I know it’s not ideal but the package won’t install on the newer version either for some reason), this is the error I get:
Pkg.clone (“Phylonetworks”)
INFO: Initializing package repository C:\Users\lmari.julia\v0.3
INFO: Cloning METADATA from git://github.com/JuliaLang/METADATA.jl
fatal: unable to connect to github.com:
github.com[0:]: errno=No such file or directory
ERROR: failed process: Process(git clone -q -b metadata-v2 git://github.com/JuliaLang/METADATA.jl METADATA
, ProcessExited(128)) [128]
** in error at error.jl:22 (repeats 2 times)**
I figured out the error is likely because it’s trying to clone METADATA from git with the git:// but that one no longer works (I believe it was taken down and now works with https:// or ssh:// only) is there any way to change that so it downloads METADATA from the correct source and can proceed to download the Phylonetworks package?
I saw there is also a way to download everything into my pc so it doesn’t have to connect with github but I’m new to Julia so I don’t know how to do that
Please please help