When constructing command-lines to start he Julia REPL, I’m noticing some folks using Pkg.build("PyCall)
rather than Pkg.add("PyCall")
The command-line I want to build is to allow many Julia environments, particularly jupyter-based tutorials, to start with their own independent Python environments.
I’ve added the -i parameter for my experimentation. Adding IJulia is probably unnecessary, and should be in the activated environment anyway.
Looks like:
PYTHON="" julia -i -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.activate("."); Pkg.build("PyCall");Pkg.add("IJulia"); Pkg.instantiate(); using PyCall IJulia'
- It all seems to work fine, but why build()? Does it force some reconciliation with my local environment?
- Could both PyCall and IJulia packages been added to the activate environment’s