I was having some discussions online on Mastodon, and advocating that we could simplify our tax code to a flat tax + UBI and that this is kind of “near optimal” in some sense.
I wrote up a notebook about it… GitHub - dlakelan/UBINotebook: A notebook and articles on the advantages of Universal Basic Income
I started out using IPNewton from Optim.jl and got some results, but was having some problems and I decided to try Ipopt through OptimizationMOI.jl
What I’m doing is constructing an Approxfun Fun object from a list of coefficients, and then evaluating the quality of this function to get a “fitness” and trying to optimize this fitness subject to two constraints (and then following up later with maybe some more constraints)
Right now it’s stopping with a ridiculous solution that has vastly violated constraints. You can check out the github repo to see what’s up.
Any hints on the best solver to use to get general equality and inequality constraints?
EDIT: the section where the optimization is supposed to happen is like this:
using DataFrames, DataFramesMeta, StatsPlots, Distributions, ApproxFun, Optimization, OptimizationBase,
OptimizationMOI, Ipopt,
Printf, Interact, Conda
const nhous = 125736353.0
const currevenue = 3.8 # current revenue from income and payroll tax in trillions
incDist = MixtureModel([Uniform(0,28e3),Uniform(28e3,55e3),Uniform(55e3,89.7e3),Uniform(89.7e3,149e3), Truncated(Exponential(269356),115e3,2e6)])
incsamp = rand(incDist,10000)
function coefstofun(u,p)
spc = Chebyshev(0.0..2_000_000.0)
fsqt = Fun(spc,u)
# df = fsqt*fsqt
df = fsqt
fI = Integral() * df
ffI = fI - fI(0.0) + p.min
return ffI,df
function fitness(u,p)
fI,df = coefstofun(u,p)
incomes = p.incs
meaninc = mean(fI(i) for i in incomes)
meanmarg = mean(df(i) for i in incomes)
fitness = -(meaninc/p.gdppc + p.k * meanmarg)
function revconstr(constr, u,p) ## we need a certain revenue
target = p.revneeded # in trillions
fI,df = coefstofun(u,p)
revactual = mean(i - fI(i) for i in p.incs ) * (nhous / 1e12)
constr[1] = revactual - target
return constr[1]
function revderivconstr(constr,u,p)
target = p.revneeded
incs = p.incs
fI,df = coefstofun(u,p)
revactual = mean(i-fI(i) for i in incs) * (nhous/1e12)
constr[1] = revactual - target
mind = minimum(df(i) for i in incs)
constr[2] = mind
return constr
let #u0 = [0.44678816662151877, -0.08788321820882686, 0.17815799706452318, -0.14584610993899744, 0.07437859490773412, -0.12028356099198997, -0.27147771772117185]
u0 = rand(Normal(0.0,0.0001),7) .+ [.6; zeros(6)]
@manipulate for min=0.01:.01:.25, k=0.0:0.01:1.0, maxtax = 0.2:0.01:0.95
gdpc = mean(incsamp)
parms = (k=k,min=min*gdpc,incs=incsamp,revneeded=currevenue,gdppc=gdpc)
tax = (currevenue + min*gdpc*nhous/1e12) / (gdpc * nhous/1e12)
u0 = [1.0- 1.03*tax,0.01,0.01,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0]
earn = collect(0.0:1000.0:1000000.0)
p = plot(earn,earn,xlim=(0.0,400e3),ylim=(0.0,400e3),label="y = x visual reference",xlab="Earned Income (Dollars)", ylab="Take Home Income (Dollars)")
p = plot!(earn,[min*gdpc + e*(1.0-tax) for e in earn],label="flat tax+UBI")
opprob = OptimizationProblem(OptimizationFunction(fitness,Optimization.AutoForwardDiff(),cons=revderivconstr),
sol = solve(opprob,Ipopt.Optimizer(); max_wall_time=35.0, print_level=5,output_file="optim.out")
# println(sol)
revcon=[0.0, 0.0]
#u0 = sol.u .+ rand(Normal(0.0,.04),7)
# println("Revenue constraint: $(revcon[1])")
# println("Deriv constraint: $(revcon[2])")
fI,df = coefstofun(sol.u,parms)
p = plot!(earn,[fI(e) for e in earn],label="Optimal Tax Curve")