I am curious, about
How much time did it take to train and also on testing for both Julia and Python languages.
In networks such as googlenet, resnets, or Stylegan .
Thank you for your answer.
Excited to see results as a motivation.
I am curious, about
How much time did it take to train and also on testing for both Julia and Python languages.
In networks such as googlenet, resnets, or Stylegan .
Thank you for your answer.
Excited to see results as a motivation.
It is an interesting question.
A small benchmark information there are in https://github.com/dfdx/Avalon.jl and Introduction to Knet ยท Knet.jl
but with not so complex networks.
However, taking in account the performance of PyTorch and TensorFlow (and how much its code is actually in C++) I would guess that it is going to be worse than these famous frameworks.
Anyway, if any one have times/comparison, it should be always interesting to see it.
They are pretty much same speed. Although pytorch or tensorflow bounded by c++ so they are fast.
But why people are not adopting julia (fast and easy) instead of these frameworks ???
I was searching for Pytorch.jl (official) mainted by official community.
I had heard facebook converting php to Julia.
I hope facebook will also switch from pytorch python to pytorch julia. And it will be easy for us.