For example, missing values still have a significant performance impact for arrays of Float64 elements, which are essential for numeric computing.
function sum_nonmissing(X::AbstractArray)
s = zero(eltype(X))
@inbounds @simd for x in X
if x !== missing
s += x
julia> Y1 = rand(10_000_000);
julia> Y2 = Vector{Union{Missing, Float64}}(Y1);
julia> Y3 = ifelse.(rand(length(Y2)) .< 0.9, Y2, missing);
julia> @btime sum_nonmissing(Y1);
5.733 ms (1 allocation: 16 bytes)
julia> @btime sum_nonmissing(Y2);
13.854 ms (1 allocation: 16 bytes)
julia> @btime sum_nonmissing(Y3);
17.780 ms (1 allocation: 16 bytes)
I still see the performance drop in Julia v1.0.1. But I found no Github issue tracking the performance drop. Is there one open already?
At least missing is better than NaN for this purpose.
(timings under julia-1.6.1)
using BenchmarkTools
function sum_non_nan(X::AbstractArray)
s = zero(eltype(X))
@inbounds @simd for x in X
# it is even slower with isnan()
if x !== NaN
s += x
julia> Y1 = rand(10_000_000);
julia> @btime sum_nonmissing($Y1);
2.685 ms (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
julia> @btime sum_non_nan($Y1);
6.807 ms (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
julia> Y2 = Vector{Union{Missing, Float64}}(Y1);
julia> @btime sum_nonmissing($Y2);
7.112 ms (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
# Y2_nan would be identical to Y1, so see timing above (6.771 ms)
julia> Y3 = ifelse.(rand(length(Y2)) .< 0.9, Y2, missing);
julia> Y3_nan = Array{Float64}(replace(x->ismissing(x) ? NaN : x, Y3));
julia> @btime sum_nonmissing($Y3);
12.180 ms (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
julia> @btime sum_non_nan($Y3_nan);
13.216 ms (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
julia> x = rand(10_000_000);
julia> function sum_non_nan(X::AbstractArray)
s = zero(eltype(X))
@inbounds @simd for x in X
# simplify the branch so it can SIMD.
s += isnan(x) ? zero(x) : x
sum_non_nan (generic function with 1 method)
julia> @btime sum_non_nan($x)
3.941 ms (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
julia> @btime sum($x)
4.268 ms (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
julia> @btime sum_non_nan($Y3);
16.211 ms (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
Here Y3 should be Y3_nan? Also x!==NaN is not the same thing as isnan, since NaN!=NaN. No, NaN===NaN, but NaN != NaN, thanks @fph for pointing out this.
Note that this uses ===-comparison. It is not the same thing as isnan, but it should work as long as one does not use NaNs with payloads and signaling NaNs and that kind of stuff.
julia> function sum_non_nan(X::AbstractArray)
s = zero(eltype(X))
@inbounds @simd for x in X
# simplify the branch so it can SIMD.
s += isnan(x) ? zero(x) : x
julia> function sum_nonmissing(X::AbstractArray)
s = zero(eltype(X))
@inbounds @simd for x in X
s += ismissing(x) ? zero(x) : x
julia> Y1 = rand(10_000_000);
julia> Y2 = Vector{Union{Missing, Float64}}(Y1);
julia> Y3 = ifelse.(rand(length(Y2)) .< 0.9, Y2, missing);
julia> Y3_nan = Array{Float64}(replace(x->ismissing(x) ? NaN : x, Y3));
julia> @btime sum_nonmissing($Y1)
9.132 ms (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
julia> @btime sum_non_nan($Y1)
10.114 ms (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
julia> @btime sum_nonmissing($Y2);
17.643 ms (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
julia> @btime sum_nonmissing($Y3);
13.534 ms (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
julia> @btime sum_non_nan($Y3_nan);
10.156 ms (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
The only time sum_nonmissing seems more efficient to me is with @btime sum_nonmissing($Y1). That’s because we can ignore the ismissing call when applied to Vector{Float64}.
For example, a bit-wise IEEE 754 single precision (32-bit) NaN would be s111 1111 1xxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx
where s is the sign (most often ignored in applications) and the x sequence represents a non-zero number (the value zero encodes infinities)
Thus, the bit sequences of two NaNs are not necessarily the same, and my guess is that === for two floats compares their bit sequences.
What @Tamas_Papp means is that there’s no “negative NaN” in the sense that negativity doesn’t make sense for NaN. NaNess is a property irrespective of the sign bit.
Note how the significand of the second NaN is not 0, but the number is still NaN. It’s the same with the sign bit - all that makes it NaN is an exponent of all ones (which is the intended way NaNs should work according to IEEE 754).
That comparison compares bitwise patterns, not equality. It’s asking whether or not the two values are exactly the same, not whether they’re semantically the same. == (semantic equivalence) indeed gives false:
julia> -NaN |> bitstring
julia> NaN |> bitstring
julia> (-NaN) == NaN
# according to IEEE 754, any logical/semantic comparison with NaN should be false
julia> NaN == NaN
The wikipedia article on NaN has a lot of useful info about how NaN can be compared and what the result should be, as well as what NaNs are sometimes used for if there’s no other means of signaling/error checking available.
My understanding of IEEE 754 is that -NaN flipping the sign bit is implementation-dependent, and the sign bit of NaN results may be accidental anyway in conforming implementations when both the input and the output are NaN (it is not part of the payload, and is generally ignored, except for a few special cases enumerated in the standard). See Section 6.3 of IEEE 754-2008.