Performance of large sparse discrete map problems in DifferentialEquations


I normally deal with dynamics on networks, so I have giant sparse systems of coupled ODE’s. The problem I have at the moment is that for a simple discrete map, a naive implementation is significantly faster than solving the DiscreteProblem provided by DIfferentialEquations.jl. For example, the code below is a MWE of what my problems look like,

using DifferentialEquations
using Random
using SparseArrays

# parametes
rng = MersenneTwister(0)
N = 80000
M = 150000
T = 10
β = 0.4
A = sprand(rng, N, M, 0.0001, (r, x) -> rand(r, [1], x))
p = (β, A)

function map!(unp1, un, p, t)
    β, A = p
    unp1 .= β .* un .* A

function naive_test(u0, tspan, p)
    unp1 = similar(u0)
    for i in tspan[1]:tspan[2]
        map!(unp1, u0, p, i)
    return unp1

# test
u0 = sprand(N, M, 0.0001)
prob = DiscreteProblem(map!, u0, (0, T), p)

@time solve(prob; save_on=false);

@time naive_test(u0, (0, T), p);

For the solve function I turn off saving of intermediate results to better match the naive test and I get the following,

julia> @time solve(prob; save_on=false);
205.226954 seconds (16.25 M allocations: 1.241 GiB, 0.10% gc time, 1.79% compilation time)

and for the naive_test implementation I get

julia> @time naive_test(u0, (0, T), p);
  0.142919 seconds (16.55 k allocations: 20.360 MiB, 7.48% compilation time)

I was wondering if I’m missing something and this sort of performance is expected, I know there is a significant amount of machinery behind diffeq and it might not suit sparse arrays. Any help or explanation would be appreciated.

Using DifferentialEquations v7.1.0 and julia 1.7.1.



Reducing the problem size and testing it like so

using LinearAlgebra
using SimpleDiffEq
using DifferentialEquations
using OrdinaryDiffEq
using Random
using SparseArrays
using BenchmarkTools

# parametes
const rng = MersenneTwister(0)
const N = 8000
const M = 15000
const T = 10
const β = 0.4
const A = sprand(rng, N, M, 0.0001, (r, x) -> rand(r, [1], x))
const p = (β, A)

function map!(unp1, un, p, t)
    β, A = p
    unp1 .= β .* un .* A

function naive_test(u0, tspan, p)
    unp1 = similar(u0)
    for i in tspan[1]:tspan[2]
        map!(unp1, u0, p, i)
    return unp1

# test
const u0 = sprand(N, M, 0.0001)
const prob = DiscreteProblem(map!, u0, (0, T), p)

y1 = solve(prob, FunctionMap(); save_on=false);
y2 = solve(prob, SimpleFunctionMap());
println(norm(y2[end] - y1[end]))
y3 = naive_test(u0, (0, T), p);
println(norm(y3 - y2[end]))

@btime solve(prob, FunctionMap(); save_on=false);
@btime solve(prob, SimpleFunctionMap());
@btime naive_test(u0, (0, T), p);

yields something like this for me

  2.144 s (58 allocations: 1.72 MiB)
  2.158 ms (67 allocations: 3.28 MiB)
  3.318 ms (6 allocations: 305.64 KiB)

I’m wondering about the deviation in results and if the performance difference of FunctionMap and SimpleFunctionMap is justified in this case?


  • The deviation in results is probably due to a different number of rounds
  • Runtime in FunctionMap is dominated by _any(::typeof(DiffEqBase.NAN_CHECK), ::SparseMatrixCSC{Float64, Int64}, ::Colon), which seems like a bad idea…

Edit: Here is a flame graph


Well NaN check in and of itself is a good idea: you want to look for NaNs and if you see any then you want to stop calculating and throw the user a warning. What seems to be the issue is that any(isnan,A::SparseMatrixCSC) seems like it’s looping over all values, not all non-zero values, which for a very sparse matrix would take considerably longer than any other specialized calculation. We should specialize this in SciMLBase. Could you open an issue there?


Try this PR branch:


Nice, this does the trick for me:

  2.081 ms (58 allocations: 1.72 MiB)
  2.172 ms (67 allocations: 3.27 MiB)
  3.266 ms (6 allocations: 304.77 KiB)

Just a remark:

@inline NAN_CHECK(x::SparseArrays.AbstractSparseMatrixCSC) = any(NAN_CHECK, nonzeros(x))

seems to work, too.

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Thanks for fixing the error, I edited my original post so it should at least run. I should have run it in a clean repl before posting.

Just tested this branch and it works perfectly, I’m getting the same results as @goerch. Thanks a million, I have to say Julia’s biggest strength is it’s community :grin:

Yeah, that’s probably better.
