Performance of a transpose compared to c and cache friendliness

In a quest to learn good HPC principles, I am trying to understand how to implement cache friendly loops in Julia.

I found this code loop_blocking that compares performance of loop blocking techniques between c and Rust.
I tried implementing the same thing in Julia, but I’m confused by the performance difference I’m getting. I’m writing here to seek help to understand the performance of this code.

module LoopBlocking
const MAX::Int64 = 8192

function Fill(A::Array{Int64}, B::Array{Int64})
    count::Int64 = 0
    @inbounds for i = 1:MAX
        for j = 1:MAX
            A[i, j] = count
            B[i, j] = -count
            count += 1

function Add(A::Array{Int64}, B::Array{Int64})
    for i = 1:MAX, j = 1:MAX
        @inbounds A[i, j] += B[j, i]
    return nothing

function Add_2(A::Array{Int64}, B::Array{Int64})
    @inbounds A .+= transpose(B)
    return nothing

const BLOCK_SIZE::Int64 = 32
function Add_1(A::Array{Int64}, B::Array{Int64})
    for i = 1:BLOCK_SIZE:MAX, j = 1:BLOCK_SIZE:MAX
        for ii = i:i+BLOCK_SIZE-1, jj = j:j+BLOCK_SIZE-1
            @inbounds A[ii, jj] += B[jj, ii]
    return nothing

function Add_3(A::Array{Int64}, B::Array{Int64})
    for i = 1:BLOCK_SIZE:MAX, j = 1:BLOCK_SIZE:MAX
        @inbounds @views A[i:i+BLOCK_SIZE-1, j:j+BLOCK_SIZE-1] .+= transpose(B[j:j+BLOCK_SIZE-1, i:i+BLOCK_SIZE-1])
    return nothing

function main()
    A::Array{Int64} = Array{Int64}(undef, MAX, MAX)
    B::Array{Int64} = Array{Int64}(undef, MAX, MAX)

    Fill(A, B)
    Add(A, B)

    println("Simple loop")
    @time Fill(A, B)
    @time Add(A, B)

    Correct = copy(A)

    Fill(A, B)
    Add_1(A, B)
    println("Loop blocking")
    @time Fill(A, B)
    @time Add_1(A, B)

    @assert A == Correct

    Fill(A, B)
    Add_2(A, B)

    println("Built-in broadcasting and transpose")
    @time Fill(A, B)
    @time Add_2(A, B)

    @assert A == Correct

    Fill(A, B)
    Add_3(A, B)
    println("Loop blocking with views")
    @time Fill(A, B)
    @time Add_3(A, B)

    @assert A == Correct


These are the results I get

Simple loop
  1.253246 seconds
  0.841699 seconds
Loop blocking
  1.238872 seconds
  0.458186 seconds
Built-in broadcasting and transpose
  1.165040 seconds
  0.461195 seconds
Loop blocking with views
  1.266697 seconds
  0.286722 seconds

And here is typical c performance

MAX:        8192
transpose_0:    528ms
transpose_1:    216ms

It seems that broadcasting leads to different performance than simple loops and is the closes to c performance.
Can someone help me understand why simple for loops cannot achieve the same performance as broadcasting?

P.S.: I’m not entirely sure the last function is correct, but the assert seems to work.

My first guess without looking closely is you’re seeing the difference between row and column major arrays.

Not specific to your question but whenever you benchmark Julia code, be sure to use BenchmarkTools.jl and follow their instructions, this will yield more accurate results for comparison

Your loops are in the wrong order.

Also, there is not much point in blocking loops like this that make only a single pass over the array, in order, e.g. to fill it. You only want to block in order to increase temporal locality (e.g. in matrix multiplication, see e.g. this Julia notebook) and/or spatial locality (e.g. for matrix transposition). Update: sorry, I missed that you are computing A+B^T, see below.

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Thanks for the reply, changing the order gives the same performance as broadcasting (although, both are slightly slower than c :frowning:).

I thought that since one matrix is transpose, there shouldn’t matter which way I do the loops. I guess it’s better to follow the matrix I assign to than the one I read?

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Oh, I was only looking at your Fill function, and missed that you swapped the indices in subsequent functions. If you do A + B^T, then indeed there is a spatial-locality (cache-line) benefit to blocking (or, alternatively, a cache-oblivious recursive strategy), but I would still order the loops for A (which you both read and write) rather than B (which you only read).

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I would still order the loops for A (which you both read and write) rather than B (which you only read).

That is, in fact, what makes the difference between Add_3 and Add_1 on my machine. I used to have some C code in which I used a lot of this sort of blocking, but I don’t think I worried about distinguishing reads or writes. It’s not really all that small difference. I probably left some easy performance on the table.

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