Performance Issues - Rayleigh Compressible

I’ve looked for some solution, and I found the repository of JuliaComputing/MKL.jl and this topic " Unusually bad performance of eigen() compared to eig() in Matlab". After following the tutorial the code is running 3x faster than the first version, here is the benchmark

  memory estimate:  379.85 MiB
  allocs estimate:  825
  minimum time:     9.068 s (1.35% GC)
  median time:      9.068 s (1.35% GC)
  mean time:        9.068 s (1.35% GC)
  maximum time:     9.068 s (1.35% GC)
  samples:          1
  evals/sample:     1

Many thanks to @kristoffer.carlsson by the repository.

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