Performance decrease after renaming functions


A have a function AND which takes a pre-allocated vector and writes in the result of some operations. Following the julia naming convention, I wanted to change its name to AND! so that this behavior is reflected compared to the versions of this AND function which do not take a pre-allocated result vector as an input. Then I noticed that the performance drops significantly if I perform this change of function name, and also if I change the function name to anything else, e.g. WOOHOO. I do not understand why changing the name of a function results in decreased performance and increased allocation, nor do I know what type of things to check to see what I am doing incorrectly.

I posted a video on slack of this, it is shown after 1:05 following the initial compilation of the code: Slack

Does anyone have any ideas?


Some additional notes:

  1. I was advised to check @code_warntype, it returns that everything is fine.
  2. I know I am not interpolating variables in @btime, but I have checked since and it changes nothing.
  3. –track-allocation shows that after the name change, significant allocations take place:
        - function WOOHOO(resTrace::T, rm::AbstractRobustnessMetric, childTraces::T...) where {T<:AbstractTrace}
     3200     resBuffer = Zygote.bufferfrom(getTrajectory(resTrace))
    11200     childTrajectories = [getTrajectory(c) for c in childTraces]
        0     @inbounds for k in eachindex(resBuffer)
 38404800         resBuffer[k] = AND(rm, map(t -> t[k], childTrajectories))
        -     end
        0     copyWithNewData(resTrace, copy(resBuffer))
        0     return nothing
        - end

compared to the original

- function AND(resTrace::T, rm::AbstractRobustnessMetric, childTraces::T...) where {T<:AbstractTrace}
        0     resBuffer = Zygote.bufferfrom(getTrajectory(resTrace))
        0     childTrajectories = [getTrajectory(c) for c in childTraces]
        0     @inbounds for k in eachindex(resBuffer)
        0         resBuffer[k] = AND(rm, map(t -> t[k], childTrajectories))
        -     end
        -     copyWithNewData(resTrace, copy(resBuffer))
        0     return nothing
        - end

(Note that there is no recursion here and the inner AND function that is being called has different parameters than the one posted here.)

one of those is a recursive function the other is not

If you mean the AND function called inside the for loop, it is not the same AND function as the one I am examining and renaming. So there is no recursion going on. The code runs exactly the same in both cases, and the same results are returned when I test them in my larger code.