I am new to Julia. I installed today the latest version of Julia, Atom and Juno and the packages to run the examples on the NeuralPDE.jl website. I cannot run any command from the package ModelingToolkit that uses “PDESystems”. I leave below a link to the example code and another link to a discussion about the same error I am getting. It appears that this is a version issue, but all my packages and Julia versions are up to date (I installed everything today).
The link to the example is here
Link to the same issue I am having
Exact error I get:
MethodError: no method matching PDESystem(::Equation, ::Vector{Equation}, ::Vector{Symbolics.VarDomainPairing}, ::Vector{Num}, ::Vector{Sym{SymbolicUtils.FnType{Tuple, Real}, Nothing}}, ::SciMLBase.NullParameters; name=:pde_system)
Closest candidates are:
PDESystem(::Any, ::Any, ::Any, ::Any, ::Any, ::Any; defaults, connection_type) at C:\Users\Username\.julia\packages\ModelingToolkit\yGWxM\src\systems\pde\pdesystem.jl:59 got unsupported keyword argument "name"
PDESystem(::Any, ::Any, ::Any, ::Any, ::Any) at C:\Users\Username\.julia\packages\ModelingToolkit\yGWxM\src\systems\pde\pdesystem.jl:59 got unsupported keyword argument "name"
kwerr(::NamedTuple{(:name,), Tuple{Symbol}}, ::Type, ::Equation, ::Vector{Equation}, ::Vector{Symbolics.VarDomainPairing}, ::Vector{Num}, ::Vector{Sym{SymbolicUtils.FnType{Tuple, Real}, Nothing}}, ::SciMLBase.NullParameters) at error.jl:157
(::Core.var"#Type##kw")(::NamedTuple{(:name,), Tuple{Symbol}}, ::Type{PDESystem}, eqs::Equation, bcs::Vector{Equation}, domain::Vector{Symbolics.VarDomainPairing}, indvars::Vector{Num}, depvars::Vector{Sym{SymbolicUtils.FnType{Tuple, Real}, Nothing}}, ps::SciMLBase.NullParameters) at pdesystem.jl:64
(::Core.var"#Type##kw")(::NamedTuple{(:name,), Tuple{Symbol}}, ::Type{PDESystem}, eqs::Equation, bcs::Vector{Equation}, domain::Vector{Symbolics.VarDomainPairing}, indvars::Vector{Num}, depvars::Vector{Sym{SymbolicUtils.FnType{Tuple, Real}, Nothing}}) at pdesystem.jl:64
top-level scope at untitled-fee6ca1a8cc3740f970fc07e9e7f469a:25
eval at boot.jl:360 [inlined]