Hi all,
I’m trying to use the NeuralPDE package, but when I run ‘import Pkg; Pkg.add(“NeuralPDE”)’ I get the error:
ERROR: The following package names could not be resolved:
- NeuralPDE (not found in project, manifest or registry)
I think I’ve seen that NeuralPDE.jl used to be called NeuralNetDiffEq.jl, which I was able to add. I was also able to run the example at https://neuralpde.sciml.ai/dev/examples/ode/ by replacing “NeuralPDE.NNODE…” with “NeuralNetDiffEq.NNODE…”. So can I use NeuralNetDiffEq in place of NeuralPDE for the time being? and will NeuralPDE be added to the registry at some point?
My first post here, let me know any issues.