I have a JuMP MCP model using PATHSolver.jl which works fine on Windows x86. I am trying to get it working on an ARM laptop in WSL (Ubuntu).
All packages have installed fine out of the box except PATHSolver.jl, which gives this error
ERROR: LoadError: Cannot locate artifact 'PATHSolver' for aarch64-linux-gnu-libgfortran5-cxx11-libstdcxx30-julia_version+1.11.2 in '/home/nealh/.julia/packages/PATHSolver/I2W8G/Artifacts.toml'
Having a look on the PATHSolver.jl github page it seems here is no binary for aarch64 Linux (only aarch64 mac).
Any chance that arm linux will be added? If not can I attempt to compile locally?
Julia works through WSL on these machines (only PATH doesn’t). I haven’t tried it on Windows, it won’t run natively but maybe through x86 emulation…
Update. I have tried installing x86 windows version of Julia on my ARM Windows machine, and it all installs and runs OK via emulation including JuMP. But again I am getting errors trying to install PATHSolver.jl
ERROR: LoadError: Cannot locate artifact 'PATHSolver' for i686-w64-mingw32-libgfortran5-cxx11-julia_version+1.11.2 in 'C:\Users\hughe\.julia\packages\PATHSolver\I2W8G\Artifacts.toml'
Yes, I am now trying to install the x86_64 version of PATHSolver.jl, running Julia in Windows x86 (via emulation on a Windows ARM laptop). Julia and Jump install and run this way fine but not PATH.
I am not sure why it is looking for a 32bit version this is x86 Julia…
Thanks, right as always @odow. PATHSolver.jl installed OK in x64 Julia running in emulation on ARM windows. I’m guessing there will be a fair performance hit doing things this way, will need to run some tests.