What is Julia’s equivalent of python PIL Image.paste? And how would I paste a rotated image onto a background image?
(everything below is just context, that’s the question)
I am trying to use Julia to make a dataset of images for a classifier.
I want to put the objects I’m trying to classify randomly into a scene. I have a folder of small images that represent each class I want to detect, and a folder of larger images that represent scenes (a bunch of backgrounds, wallpapers, and pictures of scenes that I might want to classify in)
I want to write a method that takes a scene and randomly adds some of the small images to it. How would I do this? Here’s the kind of thing I have in mind
- generate a vector of random length where each element is the name of a class
- for each class, choose a random picture from it’s corresponding folder
a) also run some kind of augmentation pipeline, but that looks easy to add later - glue the images together in a “tableau” (strip or square) (involves resizing them without losing aspect ratio, which I also cannot figure out)
- choose a random background file
- pick a random size & orientation for the tableau
- place the tableau into the scene.
(all the random choices will be within some predefined range)
function make_random_scene()
tableau = make_rand_tableau( choose(classes, rand(2:5) ) )
background = get_random_background( ... )
# ??? how do i place one image into another at a specific orientation + size?
#---------------- extra stuff in case that stub doesn't make sense ----
classes = readdir(class_folder)
get_random_image(class) = load( ... ) # i have written this already
get_random_background(background_folder) = load( ... ) # this too
function make_rand_tableau(class_list :: Vector{String}; white = RGB(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) )
make_tableau(map(class -> clean_image(get_random_class(class)), class_list)...)
function make_tableau(images...; kind=:row, white = RGB(150/255,140/255,135/255), height=100)
strip = rowcat(images...; height=height)
newim = copy(strip)
newim[strip .== RGB(1,1,1)] .= white
# this doesn't work correctly - images are squished or stretched.
# I didn't see a way to resize to a fixed dimension + maintain aspect ratio
rowcat(images...; height=100) = mosaicview(
map(im -> imresize(im, (height, height/size(im)[1] * size(im)[2] )), images);
fillvalue=RGB(1,1,1), nrow=1, npad=15)