There is a new format to store weights of neural networks advocated by huggingface, called safetensors. I have encountered when I wanted to download phi-2 model to Transformers.jl (see this pull request Add Phi model by chengchingwen · Pull Request #168 · chengchingwen/Transformers.jl · GitHub). I have written a simple non-performant loader (it is doing too much seeking at the moment) and posting it here, as I have not made a proper repo. JSON3 would be much nicer to use, but I am not familiar with it. The format is described here Safetensors
using JSON
_gettype(s, name)
Julia type of the tensor from the string name
function _gettype(s::AbstractString, name="")
s == "F16" && return(Float16)
s == "F32" && return(Float32)
s == "F64" && return(Float64)
s == "B" && return(Bool)
s == "U8" && return(UInt8)
s == "I8" && return(Int8)
s == "I16" && return(Int16)
s == "I32" && return(Int32)
s == "I64" && return(Int64)
s == "BF16" && error("BFloat16 is not supported")
name = isempty(name) ? name : " of the tensor "*name
error("unknown type $(s)", name)
_byteoftype(::Type{T}) where {T<:Union{Bool, UInt8, Int8}} = 1
_byteoftype(::Type{T}) where {T<:Union{Int16, Float16}} = 2
_byteoftype(::Type{T}) where {T<:Union{Int32, Float32}} = 4
_byteoftype(::Type{T}) where {T<:Union{Int64, Float64}} = 8
readtensor!(fio::IO, header::Dict, name::String, header_length; seek_to_start = true)
readtensor!(fio::IO, T, shape, start, stop, name="", header_length; seek_to_start = true)
reads tensor `name` from the file `fio`.
`seek_to_start = true` means that seek(fio, start) will be called to ensure that reading
starts from correct position
function readtensor!(fio::IO, header::Dict, name::String, header_length; seek_to_start = true)
entry = header[name]
T = _gettype(entry["dtype"], name)
start = Int(entry["data_offsets"][1]) + header_length
stop = Int(entry["data_offsets"][2]) + header_length
shape = tuple(Int.(entry["shape"])...)
readtensor!(fio, T, shape, start, stop, name; seek_to_start)
function readtensor!(fio::IO, T::Type, shape::NTuple{N,<:Integer}, start::Integer, stop::Integer, name=""; seek_to_start = true) where {N}
seek_to_start && seek(fio, start)
n = stop - start
if _byteoftype(T)*prod(shape) != n
s = isempty(name) ? "" : "of tensor "*name
error("length of the stored data",s," does not corresponds to shape of the tensor")
x = Vector{T}(undef, prod(shape))
read!(fio, x)
x = reshape(x, reverse(shape))
if length(shape) == 2
x = transpose(x)
if length(shape) > 2
warn("higher dimensional tensor $(name) untested")
function names_without_metadata(header)
filter(s -> s !== "__metadata__", collect(keys(header)))
return a sorted list of pairs (name_of_tensor, start)
function starts_of_tensors(header)
ks = names_without_metadata(header)
starts = map(ks) do k
k => Int(header[k]["data_offsets"][1])
sort!(starts, lt = (i,j) -> i[2] < j[2])
is_continuous(header, starts = starts_of_tensors(header))
return true if tensors in header are correctly aligned and can be read sequentially (which they should)
function is_continuous(header, starts = starts_of_tensors(header))
i = 0
for (k, start) in starts
start != i && return(false)
i = Int(header[k]["data_offsets"][2])
header, header_length = load_header(fio::IO)
loads the header of a stream containing safetensor
function load_header(fio::IO)
seek(fio, 0)
n = read(fio, Int64) # first read the length of the header
s = read(fio, n) # then read the header
header = JSON.parse(String(s))
return(header, 8 + n)
function load_tensors_scattered(fio::IO, header, tensors, header_length; seek_to_start = true)
Dict(map(k -> k => readtensor!(fio, header, k, header_length; seek_to_start), tensors))
function load_tensors(filename::AbstractString)
open(filename,"r") do fio
header, header_length = load_header(fio)
starts = starts_of_tensors(header)
seek_to_start = !is_continuous(header, starts)
tensors = first.(starts)
load_tensors_scattered(fio, header, tensors, header_length; seek_to_start)
filename = "Downloads/model-00002-of-00002.safetensors"