ParseError: KaTeX parse error: No such environment: tabular at position 7: \begin{̲t̲a̲b̲u̲l̲a̲r̲}̲ {l | r | r | r…

When I used the default code of MixedModels package, and a error happened that “ParseError: KaTeX parse error: No such environment: tabular at position 7: \begin{̲t̲a̲b̲u̲l̲a̲r̲}̲ {l | r | r | r…”.

The default code are below:

dyestuff = MixedModels.dataset(:dyestuff)
fm = @formula(yield ~ 1 + (1|batch))
fm1 = fit(MixedModel, fm, dyestuff)

I think the tabular environment is only available in proper LaTeX, not MathJax or KaTeX, so you’ll have to look for an alternative.

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Thanks for your help, and would you please tell me that how can convert KaTex to LaTex for tabular environment.

OK, the problem has been solved when I used println() function to print the fitting result. So, I thought that Katex can’t showed the MixedModel result, and we need to print it below.