Dear Julia users,
I am new to julia and I want to solve an ODE system with some fluctuating parameters.
Let say that I have a fluctuating temperature T as function of time:
T = 18
time = collect(0:0.01:365)
vecT = T.+0.2*T*sin.((1/10)*2*pi.*time);
fig, ax=PyPlot.subplots(figsize=(8,2))
Let say I have a parameter that is a funciton of T in my ODE. How can I implement it?
# The ode model
function dudt(u,p,t)
a = p[1];
b = p[2];
μ = a*exp(-b/T(t))
ψ = p[3];
return μ-ψ
Many thanks for your help