I need to run a simple for loop in parallel; however, my attempts at using Distributed
for loops and Threads
have not worked. The code is attached below and I wish to parallelise the inner for loop, it is noted in the comments.
using LinearAlgebra, BenchmarkTools
function multisensorKalmanFilter()
# Admin
xDimension = 6
zDimension = 3
n = 1000
simulationLength = 3000
# Motion model
T = 20e-3
A = [Array(1.0I, 3, 3) T*Array(1.0I, 3, 3); zeros(3, 3) Array(1.0I, 3, 3)]
ATranspose = A'
u = zeros(xDimension)
u[3] = -0.5*(9.81)*(T^2)
u[6] = -(9.81)*(T)
# Process noise
R = 4*I
# Measurement models
numberOfSensors = 8
C = [Array(1.0I, 3, 3) zeros(3, 3)]
CTranspose = C'
Q = [I*(i/4) for i = 1:numberOfSensors]
# Groundtruth
groundTruth = zeros(xDimension)
groundTruth[1:2] = [-100; -100] .+ 2*[100; 100].*rand(2)
groundTruth[4:5] = [10; 10] .+ 4*randn(2)
groundTruth[6] = 20 .+ 2*randn()
# State variables
mu = groundTruth + randn(xDimension)
S = 4*Array(1.0I, xDimension, xDimension)
# Output
meanEstimate = repeat(mu, outer=(1, simulationLength))
# Recursive state estimation
for i = 1:simulationLength
# Predict the targets state
groundTruth = A*groundTruth + u
muPredicted = A*mu + u
SPredicted = A*S*ATranspose + R
# Measurment updates
hGlobal = zeros(xDimension, numberOfSensors)
KGlobal = zeros(xDimension, xDimension, numberOfSensors)
# This for loop can be run in parallel
for j = 1:numberOfSensors
# Determine local posterior
measurement = C*groundTruth + Q[j]*rand(zDimension)
G = SPredicted*CTranspose/(C*SPredicted*CTranspose + Q[j])
muPosteriorLocal = muPredicted + G*(measurement - C*muPredicted)
KPosteriorLocal = inv((I - G*C)*SPredicted)
# Convert to canonical form
KGlobal[:, :, j] = KPosteriorLocal
hGlobal[:, j] = KPosteriorLocal*muPosteriorLocal
# Merge the posterior distributions
KPredicted = (1 - numberOfSensors)*inv(SPredicted)
hPredicted = KPredicted*muPredicted
KMerged = KPredicted + reshape(sum(KGlobal, dims=3), (xDimension, xDimension))
hMerged = reshape(sum(hGlobal, dims=2), xDimension)
# Posterior estimate
S = inv(KPredicted + KMerged)
mu = S*(hPredicted + hMerged)
meanEstimate[:, i] = mu
return meanEstimate
@btime meanEstimate = multisensorKalmanFilter()
The code implements a multisensor parallel update Kalman filter, my hope is to get it to run as fast as possible. I’m new to Julia, are Julia’s parallel and multi-threading capabilities appropriate for such a task?