Parallel fetch into pre-allocated memory?


I’m using fetch to communicate large arrays between nodes on a compute cluster. This results in more memory allocation than I would like. Is there an in-place version of fetch that uses pre-allocated memory? Here is an example to illustrate:


function main()
    f1 = @spawnat workers()[1] rand(1000)
    f2 = @spawnat workers()[2] rand(1000)
    x = zeros(1000)

    x[:] = fetch(f1) # I would like to do something like fetch!(f1,x)
    y = sum(x)
    x[:] = fetch(f2)
    z = sum(x)

    @show y,z


If I understand correctly, both calls to fetch will allocate memory for an array that is the same size as x. Subsequently this memory is copied from the Future to x. This extra allocation and copy is what I want to try and avoid.

Thanks for taking time to read this, and for any ideas towards a solution?


This would be a good feature to have.

Currently I think you will need to manage the buffers and write your own serialize/deserialize functions. It is a bit simpler if the type and dimensions of the arrays are fixed - something like

global const buffers = Vector{TYPE}[]

type FooVector

Base.serialize(s::AbstractSerializer, data::FooVector)
    Serializer.serialize_type(s, typeof(data))
    write(, data.arr)

function Base.deserialize(s::AbstractSerializer, t::Type{FooArray})
    buffer = isempty(buffers) ? Vector{TYPE}(SIZE) : pop!(buffers)
    readbytes!(, reinterpret(UInt8, buffer))
    return FooVector(buffer)

Your code should wrap and send vectors as `FooVector` objects.
Also either install a finalizer that will `push!` back `FooVector.arr` to `buffers` when done or do it manually.

For a more generic implementation (any type/shape of bitstype arrays) you should serialize type/shape/size information and handle it appropriately. Functions for serializing and deserializing arrays in base/serialize.jl will give you an idea of various use cases.

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