Parallel AMG

Has anyone ever started working on a parallel implementation of algebraic multigrid solvers and preconditioners?

AlgebraicMultigrid.jl has GPU support, but it could be improved.

Good to know, thank you. Although, it does not seem to work. The following returns a vector of Inf values with v0.5.1:

using LinearAlgebra: Tridiagonal
using SparseArrays: sparse
using AlgebraicMultigrid
n = 10_000
A = Tridiagonal(rand(n-1), rand(n), rand(n-1))
A = A + A’
ml = ruge_stuben(sparse(A))
M = aspreconditioner(ml)
b = rand(n)
M \ b

Ah that looks like a bug. Filed an issue here: Inf on preconditioner \ b · Issue #98 · JuliaLinearAlgebra/AlgebraicMultigrid.jl · GitHub. Looking into it

This is failing at the Gauss Seidel relaxation step. Gauss Seidel is guaranteed to converge only for diagonally dominant matrices, so this makes sense. So I would recommend trying it like this:

using LinearAlgebra: Tridiagonal
using SparseArrays: sparse
using AlgebraicMultigrid
n = 10_000
A = Tridiagonal(rand(n-1), 100*rand(n), rand(n-1))
A = A + A'
ml = ruge_stuben(sparse(A))
M = aspreconditioner(ml)
b = rand(n)
M \ b

You are right. The smoothed aggregation-based AMG preconditioner of the Preconditioners.jl package also fails with a LAPACK error for this array. Do all smoothers require diagonal dominance? Is there no way to design an AMG solver or preconditioner for a non-diagonally dominant matrix?

iLU doesn’t require diagonally dominant.

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Preconditioners.jl just calls into AlgebraicMultigrid.jl

Oh. I didn’t know that.