PackageCompiler create_app never finishes in Julia 1.11.x

There seems to be a breaking difference in behavior between Julia 1.10.x and 1.11.x with the create_app call in PackageCompiler.

Effectively the issue is that following works under julia 1.10.x and fails (never finishes in >24 hours) under Julia 1.11.x. The typical build time is on the order of 5 minutes on a typical RHEL 9.x system using the downloaded x86_64 julia install.

julia --project=./scripts/ -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.instantiate(); include("./scripts/appbuilder.jl");'

The test harness structure is as follows and contents are below.

├── Project.toml
├── scripts
│   └── appbuilder.jl
└── src
    └── MyApp.jl


module MyApp
    function helloworld_main()::Cint
        @info "Hello World"
        return 0


name = "MyApp"
uuid = "4a9463ca-865b-45c8-b825-60aa58fba234"
authors = ["Me"]
version = "0.1.0"


using PackageCompiler

        "helloworld" => "helloworld_main"
    incremental = false,
    filter_stdlibs = false,
    force = true,
    include_lazy_artifacts = true, 
    include_preferences = true

Looks like this issue: `create_app` never finishes on Julia v1.11.1 when `JULIA_NUM_THREADS` is set · Issue #990 · JuliaLang/PackageCompiler.jl · GitHub Or is it a different issue? The github issue assumes that Julia is using more than one thread.

Yes, this is the same issue, thanks for the link, that does solve the issue