Package for map visualizations?

Thanks, point taken.

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A wrapper around the API should fine, and is done for too. The restrictions can be found at Google Maps Platform Terms Of Service  |  Google Cloud.

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Wrapper packages for JS libraries like Leaflet and Mapbox (following in the footsteps of PlotlyJS) will be very welcome.


Then, what’s the easiest way to create 2D maps and 3D maps or projections with native Julia packages?

Create things such as these:

Or measure the area of a country. Or just paint countries on a map given it’s population.

Any link to a full example?


Plotly itself already uses/wraps Mapbox (which itself uses Leaflet) so by using PlotlyJS you should be able to create interactive webbased 2D maps. See Scatter plots on mapbox in JavaScript.

I haven’t tried it from PlotlyJs but I’ve done it from R via the Plotly R API (not the ggplotly API) and it works well.

FWIW, here is an example that I just created using PyCall (as suggested by Steven) and folium.

Hello everyone. Since the OpenStreetMap.jl seems to be no active any more we made a rewrite of the package to Julia 1.0.

The project is available here:

Compared to the original package major changes include:

  • Julia 1.0
  • Plots.jl with GR is used as backend for map vizualization
  • LightGraphs.jl is now used for map data analysis and processing
  • Several changes with routing algorithm (currently finding a route in a 1 million people city takes around 250ms)
  • Data structure adjustment to make the library more suitable to run numerical simulations of cities

Since we have more map simulations projects going on we plan to actively maintain the library. Any pull requests are welcome.


Looks very cool, thanks for sharing. Will try it out next time I work with OSM data.

On thing that bothers me a bit is that now we have OpenStreetMap.jl, OpenStreetMap2.jl, and now also OpenStreetMapX.jl. It’s true that especially OpenStreetMap.jl is not active anymore, but the current owner might be open to transferring the package or giving access. Maybe it’s time for a JuliaOSM org?

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My need was is run numerical simulations on maps and I needed a package that achieves my goals, Hence we optimized this package for this purpose (new routing, LightGraphs.jl).
I agree that there are too many OSM packages now and it is great to share on GitHub but I still need to achieve my project goals, so I just shared what we did :-). Since there are more GIS projects in my pipeline I can promise that my package will be maintained and developed in the nearest future :slight_smile:


My understanding is that Pkg3 will eventually allow for multiple packages with the same name, so if the original OpenStreetMap.jl gets abandoned, you can just name your new package OpenStreetMap.jl as well, and that won’t cause any problems.