Trying to create Package get error
If you have Base checked out for development and have
│ added xxx as a dependency but haven’t updated your primary
│ environment’s manifest file, try Pkg.resolve()
│ - Otherwise you may need to report an issue with Base
└ Loading xxx into Base from project dependency, future warnings for Base are suppressed.
How to resolve this
Pkg.resolve() didnt help
This is a very strange error. For other packages it often means that you have added a new package dependency to a package that you have develop
ed (because it is yours and you are developing it, or because you are making a patch for that package), and now a package that makes use of your dev
ed package is lost because the dependencies of the package changed within the same version.
In your case, how do you ended up the Base
library checked out for development? Are you contributing to Julia?
No not contributing to Julia
Was trying to create Package using PackageCompiler which was giving error so had tried out update; precompile and that’s when the error occured
The utility of PackageCompiler is not for creating a package (at least to my knowledge), but to compile the dependencies of a script so you either: (i) get a binary, or (ii) you can use the REPL to execute workflows similar to the script with less startup time. Can you tell us more about what are you trying to achieve?
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Was trying to create exe.
Used create_app(“.”, “./dummy”)
and that shows some dependencies error
and hence tried precompile after reading in forums and got this error
The error on create app was as follows
[1] uv_error at .\libuv.jl:97 [inlined]
[2] open(::String, ::UInt16, ::UInt64) at .\filesystem.jl:87
[3] sendfile(::String, ::String) at .\file.jl:940
[4] cptree(::String, ::String; force::Bool, follow_symlinks::Bool) at .\file.jl:327
[5] cptree(::String, ::String; force::Bool, follow_symlinks::Bool) at .\file.jl:324 (repeats 11 times)
[6] cp(::String, ::String; force::Bool, follow_symlinks::Bool) at .\file.jl:349
[7] cp at .\file.jl:345 [inlined]
[8] bundle_artifacts(::Pkg.Types.Context, ::String) at …\src\PackageCompiler.jl:784
[9] create_app(::String, ::String; app_name::Nothing, precompile_execution_file::Array{String,1}, precompile_statements_file::Array{String,1}, incremental::Bool, filter_stdlibs::Bool, audit::Bool, force::Bool, c_driver_program::String, cpu_target::String) at …\src\PackageCompiler.jl:656
[10] top-level scope at REPL[79]:1
with couple of warnings as
xxx has a build script, this might indicate that it is not relocatable
xxx has a dependency on Requires.jl, code in @require
will not be run
but that information didnt help much in knowing where exactly the error is occuring in creating package
This may be a problem in itself, but seems unrelated to the problem in the stacktrace.
The stacktrace seem to show an error in the copying of the files to create the bundle. I am not sure this is related with the message in your original post, about the Base dependencies, and that message was a warning not an error so it may be a red herring.
Not sure, why the create_app gives error in creating bundle, create_app error shows the error
Trying to create .exe out of the julia files
Just encountered the same problem when I tried to generate a pkg from a bunch of scripts I had lying around.
What I did was to copy all scripts into a src/
folder, added a pkg file src/MyPkg.jl
with all the includes, as well as a Project.toml
file with all the dependencies (including name, uuid, authors, version
Starting with julia --project
and running using MyPkg
gave me the above error.
It took me a while to realize the problem: I had forgotten to wrap everything inside src/MyPkg.jl
into a module
, e.g. it should look like
module MyPkg
# includes go here
end # module
Restarting and using MyPkg
then worked (maybe do a resolve
Moral of the story:
Although, I thought generating the pkg structure by hand isn’t so difficult, it took me a few minutes to get it right. I guess this just proves that one should always use Pkg.generate()
when making a fresh package.