Package causing DataFrames downgrade?

Installing PlotlyJS currently downgrades DataFrames from v0.11.1 to v0.10.1. The two packages (v0.11.1 of DataFrames, and the latest PlotlyJS version available yesterday, which I think was v0.7.1 as it is still today) were working well together yesterday, so I suspect this may be due to an update of a package PlotlyJS depends on, but I’m having trouble figuring out which.

Do you know of any workaraound to make PlotlyJS work with DataFrames v0.11.1? DataFrames v0.11.1 has several breaking changes and I’d like to get my code up to speed with these changes as soon as possible.

I’m pasting the output of Pkg when I first install Dataframes and the PlotlyJS which causes the downgrade:

julia> Pkg.add("DataFrames")
INFO: Initializing package repository /home/sam/.julia/v0.6
INFO: Cloning METADATA from                                               
INFO: Cloning cache of BinDeps from                                    
INFO: Cloning cache of CategoricalArrays from                
INFO: Cloning cache of Compat from                                      
INFO: Cloning cache of DataFrames from                              
INFO: Cloning cache of DataStreams from                            
INFO: Cloning cache of DataStructures from               
INFO: Cloning cache of GZip from                                            
INFO: Cloning cache of Missings from                                  
INFO: Cloning cache of NamedTuples from                            
INFO: Cloning cache of Reexport from                                  
INFO: Cloning cache of SHA from                                          
INFO: Cloning cache of SortingAlgorithms from         
INFO: Cloning cache of SpecialFunctions from                  
INFO: Cloning cache of StatsBase from                               
INFO: Cloning cache of URIParser from                                 
INFO: Cloning cache of WeakRefStrings from                         
INFO: Installing BinDeps v0.8.0                                                                                    
INFO: Installing CategoricalArrays v0.3.0                                                                          
INFO: Installing Compat v0.39.0                                                                                    
INFO: Installing DataFrames v0.11.1                                                                                
INFO: Installing DataStreams v0.3.1                                                                                
INFO: Installing DataStructures v0.7.2                                                                             
INFO: Installing GZip v0.3.0                                                                                       
INFO: Installing Missings v0.2.2                                                                                   
INFO: Installing NamedTuples v4.0.0                                                                                
INFO: Installing Reexport v0.0.3                                                                                   
INFO: Installing SHA v0.5.2                                                                                        
INFO: Installing SortingAlgorithms v0.2.0                                                                          
INFO: Installing SpecialFunctions v0.3.5                                                                           
INFO: Installing StatsBase v0.19.2                                                                                 
INFO: Installing URIParser v0.2.0                                                                                  
INFO: Installing WeakRefStrings v0.4.0                                                                             
INFO: Building SpecialFunctions                                                                                    
INFO: Package database updated                                                                                     

julia> Pkg.add("PlotlyJS")
INFO: Cloning cache of Blink from
INFO: Cloning cache of Codecs from                                        
INFO: Cloning cache of ColorTypes from                          
INFO: Cloning cache of Colors from                                  
INFO: Cloning cache of DataArrays from                             
INFO: Cloning cache of DocStringExtensions from            
INFO: Cloning cache of FileIO from                                        
INFO: Cloning cache of FixedPointNumbers from                
INFO: Cloning cache of Hiccup from                                        
INFO: Cloning cache of HttpCommon from                               
INFO: Cloning cache of HttpParser from                               
INFO: Cloning cache of HttpServer from                               
INFO: Cloning cache of JSON from                                            
INFO: Cloning cache of Juno from                                            
INFO: Cloning cache of LaTeXStrings from                           
INFO: Cloning cache of Lazy from                                          
INFO: Cloning cache of MacroTools from                              
INFO: Cloning cache of MbedTLS from                                     
INFO: Cloning cache of Media from                                          
INFO: Cloning cache of Mustache from                                   
INFO: Cloning cache of Mux from                                             
INFO: Cloning cache of Nullables from                             
INFO: Cloning cache of PlotlyJS from                                     
INFO: Cloning cache of WebSockets from                               
INFO: Installing Blink v0.5.4                                                                                      
INFO: Installing Codecs v0.4.0                                                                                     
INFO: Installing ColorTypes v0.6.6                                                                                 
INFO: Installing Colors v0.8.2                                                                                     
INFO: Installing DataArrays v0.6.2                                                                                 
INFO: Downgrading DataFrames: v0.11.1 => v0.10.1                                                                   
INFO: Installing DocStringExtensions v0.4.1                                                                        
INFO: Installing FileIO v0.6.1                                                                                     
INFO: Installing FixedPointNumbers v0.4.3                                                                          
INFO: Installing Hiccup v0.1.1                                                                                     
INFO: Installing HttpCommon v0.3.0                                                                                 
INFO: Installing HttpParser v0.3.0                                                                                 
INFO: Installing HttpServer v0.2.0                                                                                 
INFO: Installing JSON v0.16.2                                                                                      
INFO: Installing Juno v0.3.2                                                                                       
INFO: Installing LaTeXStrings v0.3.0                                                                               
INFO: Installing Lazy v0.12.0                                                                                      
INFO: Installing MacroTools v0.4.0                                                                                 
INFO: Installing MbedTLS v0.5.1                                                                                    
INFO: Installing Media v0.3.0                                                                                      
INFO: Installing Mustache v0.3.0                                                                                   
INFO: Installing Mux v0.2.3                                                                                        
INFO: Installing Nullables v0.0.1                                                                                  
INFO: Installing PlotlyJS v0.7.1                                                                                   
INFO: Installing WebSockets v0.4.0                                                                                 
INFO: Removing CategoricalArrays v0.3.0                                                                            
INFO: Removing DataStreams v0.3.1                                                                                  
INFO: Removing Missings v0.2.2                                                                                     
INFO: Removing NamedTuples v4.0.0                                                                                  
INFO: Removing WeakRefStrings v0.4.0

Some packages definitely cause this. Unfortunately the current version of the package manager can be quite problematic. My working solution has been to manually clone and update the offending packages (in this case PlotlyJS).

Perhaps DataArrays v0.7.0 is required. The newer DataFrames doesn’t include DataArrays, although I think the old one used to…

thank you for the suggestions, I will try the manual cloning solution if there is no better alternative at the moment (I suppose I would have to start from scratch, install DataFrames and manually clone PlotlyJS and all its dependencies as well)

Try upgrading DataArrays to v0.7, then DataFrames.

Had this happen to me yesterday, had to remove RDatasets.

thanks for the suggestion, updating DataArrays through Pkg fails

julia> Pkg.update("DataArrays")
INFO: Updating METADATA...
INFO: Computing changes...                                                                                         
INFO: Package DataArrays was set to version 0.6.2, but a higher version 0.7.0 exists.                              
      To install the latest version, you could try updating these packages as well: DataFrames.                    
INFO: No packages to install, update or remove

and if I checkout master I get the following:

julia> Pkg.checkout("DataArrays")
INFO: Checking out DataArrays master...
INFO: Pulling DataArrays latest master...                                                                          
ERROR: Unsatisfiable requirements detected for package StatsBase:
├─version range [0.15.0,∞) required by package DataArrays, whose only allowed version is 0.7.0:                    
│ └─version 0.7.0 set by fixed requirement (package is checked out, dirty or pinned)                               
├─version range [0.0.0,0.8.3) ∪ [0.11.0,∞) required by package DataFrames, whose allowed version range is [0.0.0,0.11.0):                                                                                                             
│ ├─version range [0.0.0-,∞) set by an explicit requirement                                                        
│ └─version range [0.0.0,0.11.0) required by package PlotlyJS, whose allowed version range is [0.0.0-,∞):          
  │ └─version range [0.0.0-,∞) set by an explicit requirement                                                      
└─version range [0.0.0,0.8.3) required by package DataFrames, whose allowed version range is [0.0.0,0.11.0):
  └─[see above for DataFrames backtrace]
The intersection of the requirements is empty.

however if I go into the .julia directory and manually checkout v0.7.0 of DataArrays and v0.11.1 of DataFrames things seem to work (I also had to install CategoricalArrays and DataStreams)

I have raised issues against a few packages for just this behaviour including RegressionTables today.

Still waiting for Pkg3 to come to the rescue!