I am a Mac user, but need to test Julia on Windows for my work at the job. During pkg> add PyCall
, I get the following error message during the build procedure (reproduced by pkg> build PyCall
pkg> build PyCall
Building Conda ─→ `C:\Users\<my user name>\.julia\packages\Conda\tJJuN\deps\build.log`
Building PyCall → `C:\Users\<my user name>\.julia\packages\PyCall\tqyST\deps\build.log`
┌ Error: Error building `PyCall`:
│ ┌ Info: Using the Python distribution in the Conda package by default.
│ └ To use a different Python version, set ENV["PYTHON"]="pythoncommand" and re-run Pkg.build("PyCall").
│ [ Info: Downloading miniconda installer ...
│ ┌ Error: Download failed: curl: (4) Unsupported proxy 'https://<my job's proxy URL and port number>', libcurl is built without the HTTPS-proxy support.
│ └ @ Base download.jl:43
│ ERROR: LoadError: failed process: Process(`'C:\WINDOWS\System32\curl.exe' -s -S -g -L -f -o 'C:\Users\<my user name>\.julia\conda\3\installer.exe' https://repo.continuum.io/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-Windows-x86_64.exe`, ProcessExited(4)) [4]
(rest of error messages omitted)
From the error messages, it seems that the error could be eliminated if the proxy setup is changed from HTTPS to HTTP. I know how to do this on Mac, but how can I override the proxy setup used in Julia on Windows? I installed Julia using the installer downloaded from https://julialang.org/downloads/.