Pass/fail tests go in test/runtests.jl. But there are other kinds of tests.
A cryptographer may want to publish his cryptanalysis code, but users of the crypto library shouldn’t have to depend on the packages used in cryptanalysis (I’ve used Makie to graph cryptanalysis). An author of a network server may want to stress-test it. An author of a number-crunching module may want to run benchmarks.
But that’s for the tests in test/runtests.jl, which are pass/fail tests that generally take only a few seconds. Where do you put the other kinds of tests, which can take hours and can give results like 374 B/s?
You could put benchmarks under benchmark/, and then also make it a project by creating a benchmark/Project.toml, and probably also a benchmark/Manifest.toml to prevent the results changing because of dependencies.