I’m trying to divide every row of a matrix by its norm using the approach suggested by this comment. However, I’m finding that two functionally equivalent implementations are resulting in more than 100x difference in runtime (the first implementation runs in ~1.3s, while the second runs in ~0.002s). Any idea why this is happening?
I’m using Julia 1.8.5 on an Intel Mac.
using LinearAlgebra, Random, Profile
function divide_by_row_norms(x)
x ./ norm.(eachrow(x))
function divide_by_row_norms_2(x)
norms = norm.(eachrow(x))
x ./ norms
x = randn(MersenneTwister(1234), 100, 3000)
println(sum(divide_by_row_norms(x))) # 6.874556570313833
@time divide_by_row_norms(x)
@time divide_by_row_norms(x)
@profile divide_by_row_norms(x) # 1.280820 seconds
println(sum(divide_by_row_norms_2(x))) # 6.874556570313833
@time divide_by_row_norms_2(x)
@time divide_by_row_norms_2(x)
@profile divide_by_row_norms_2(x) # 0.002097 seconds
Full Output
1.351277 seconds (3 allocations: 2.293 MiB)
1.280820 seconds (3 allocations: 2.293 MiB)
0.002182 seconds (4 allocations: 2.294 MiB)
0.002097 seconds (4 allocations: 2.294 MiB)
Overhead ╎ [+additional indent] Count File:Line; Function
╎56 @Base/task.jl:484; (::VSCodeServer.var"#61#62")()
╎ 56 @VSCodeServer/src/eval.jl:34; macro expansion
╎ 56 @Base/essentials.jl:726; invokelatest(::Any)
╎ 56 @Base/essentials.jl:729; #invokelatest#2
╎ 56 @VSCodeServer/src/eval.jl:225; (::VSCodeServer.var"#63#67"{VSCodeServer.ReplRunCodeReques...
╎ 56 @Base/logging.jl:623; with_logger
╎ ╎ 56 @Base/logging.jl:511; with_logstate(f::Function, logstate::Any)
╎ ╎ 56 @VSCodeServer/src/eval.jl:126; (::VSCodeServer.var"#64#68"{Bool, Bool, Bool, Module, St...
╎ ╎ 56 @VSCodeServer/src/repl.jl:38; hideprompt(f::VSCodeServer.var"#65#69"{Bool, Bool, Bool,...
╎ ╎ 56 @VSCodeServer/src/eval.jl:155; (::VSCodeServer.var"#65#69"{Bool, Bool, Bool, Module, S...
╎ ╎ 56 @VSCodeServer/src/repl.jl:249; withpath(f::VSCodeServer.var"#66#70"{Bool, Bool, Bool,...
╎ ╎ ╎ 56 @VSCodeServer/src/eval.jl:157; (::VSCodeServer.var"#66#70"{Bool, Bool, Bool, Module, ...
╎ ╎ ╎ 56 @VSCodeServer/src/eval.jl:230; inlineeval##kw
╎ ╎ ╎ 56 @VSCodeServer/src/eval.jl:233; inlineeval(m::Module, code::String, code_line::Int64...
╎ ╎ ╎ 56 @Base/essentials.jl:726; invokelatest(::Any, ::Any, ::Vararg{Any})
╎ ╎ ╎ 56 @Base/essentials.jl:729; invokelatest(::Any, ::Any, ::Vararg{Any}; kwargs::B...
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 56 @Base/loading.jl:1428; include_string(mapexpr::typeof(REPL.softscope), mo...
2╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 56 @Base/boot.jl:368; eval
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 54 ...P23/6.8410 (6.838)/hw3/minimal.jl:4; divide_by_row_norms(x::Matrix{Float64})
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 54 @Base/broadcast.jl:860; materialize
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 54 @Base/broadcast.jl:885; copy
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 54 @Base/broadcast.jl:913; copyto!
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 54 @Base/broadcast.jl:960; copyto!
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 2 @Base/simdloop.jl:75; macro expansion
2╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 2 @Base/int.jl:83; <
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 52 @Base/simdloop.jl:77; macro expansion
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 52 @Base/broadcast.jl:961; macro expansion
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 42 @Base/broadcast.jl:597; getindex
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 42 @Base/broadcast.jl:642; _broadcast_getindex
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 42 @Base/broadcast.jl:666; _getindex
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 12 @Base/broadcast.jl:636; _broadcast_getindex
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 12 @Base/multidimensional.jl:672; getindex
12╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 12 @Base/array.jl:925; getindex
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 30 @Base/broadcast.jl:667; _getindex
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 21 @Base/broadcast.jl:642; _broadcast_getindex
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 21 @Base/broadcast.jl:667; _getindex
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 21 @Base/broadcast.jl:636; _broadcast_getindex
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 21 @Base/multidimensional.jl:672; getindex
21╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 21 @Base/array.jl:924; getindex
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 9 @Base/broadcast.jl:643; _broadcast_getindex
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 9 @Base/broadcast.jl:670; _broadcast_getindex_evalf
4╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 9 ...inearAlgebra/src/generic.jl:591; norm
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 5 ...nearAlgebra/src/generic.jl:593; norm(itr::SubArray{Float64, 1, Matrix{Flo...
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 5 ...LinearAlgebra/src/dense.jl:106; norm2
3╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 3 ...LinearAlgebra/src/blas.jl:427; nrm2(x::SubArray{Float64, 1, Matrix{Floa...
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 2 ...LinearAlgebra/src/blas.jl:429; nrm2(x::SubArray{Float64, 1, Matrix{Floa...
1╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 2 ...LinearAlgebra/src/blas.jl:420; nrm2
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 1 @Base/essentials.jl:412; cconvert
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 1 @Base/refpointer.jl:104; convert
1╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 1 @Base/refvalue.jl:8; RefValue
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 10 @Base/multidimensional.jl:674; setindex!
10╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 10 @Base/array.jl:968; setindex!
1╎1 ...a/stdlib/v1.8/LinearAlgebra/src/blas.jl:429; nrm2(x::SubArray{Float64, 1, Matrix{Float64}, Tuple{Int64, B...
1╎1 ...tdlib/v1.8/LinearAlgebra/src/generic.jl:0; norm(itr::SubArray{Float64, 1, Matrix{Float64}, Tuple{Int64,...
Total snapshots: 2179. Utilization: 100% across all threads and tasks. Use the `groupby` kwarg to break down by thread and/or task