Orbit diagram from the sum of two variables DynamicalSystems.jl

Hello, I need to repeat the following orbit diagram, where π‘₯||π‘šπ‘Žπ‘₯ is maximums from π‘₯|| = x1 + x2. I know how calculate him from two variable but i don’t know how ploting him, examples in documentation only for one variable.
I using next code, for calculating from two variable use i = [1, 4]

function sigma(x)
    return 1.0 / ( 1.0 + exp( -10.0 * ( x  - ( - 0.25 ) ) ) )

function HR(u, p, t)
    a, b, c, d, s, xr, r,  I, vs, k, el_link  = p
    x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2 = u
    du1 = y1 + b * x1 ^ 2 - a * x1 ^3 - z1 + I - k * ( x1 - vs ) * sigma(x2) + el_link * ( x2 - x1 )
    du2 = c - d * x1 ^2 - y1
    du3 = r * ( s * ( x1 - xr ) - z1 )
    du4 = y2 + b * x2 ^ 2 - a * x2 ^3 - z2 + I - k * ( x2 - vs ) * sigma(x1) + el_link * ( x1 - x2 )
    du5 = c - d * x2 ^2 - y2
    du6 = r * ( s * ( x2 - xr ) - z2 )
    return SVector(du1, du2, du3,
                    du4, du5, du6)

a = 1.; b = 3.; c = 1.; d = 5.;
xr = -1.6; r = 0.01; s = 5.; I = 4.; xv = 2.;
k = 0.0532;
el_link = 0.0

condition1 = SA[-1.5, 0.0, 0.0, -2.5, 0.0, 0.0]
condition2 = SA[-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0-0.5, -0.5]

p = SA[a, b, c, d,
        s, xr, r, I, xv, k, el_link]

p = [a, b, c, d, s, xr, r, I, xv, k, el_link]
ds_HR1 = ContinuousDynamicalSystem(HR,  condition1, p )
ds_HR2 = ContinuousDynamicalSystem(HR,  condition2, p );

ds = ds_HR1

pvalues = range(0.050, stop = 0.056, length = 5000)
i = 1
plane = (2, 0.0)
tf = 5000.0
tr = 5000.0
p_index = 10

output = produce_orbitdiagram(ds, plane, i, p_index, pvalues,
                              tfinal = tf, Ttr = tr, printparams = true;
                              diffeq = (alg = AutoVern9(Rodas5()), abstol = 1e-11, reltol = 1e-11,  maxiters = 10000000)

fig = Figure()
ax = Axis(fig[1,1]; xlabel = L"k", ylabel = L"x_{2}")

for (j, p) in enumerate(pvalues)
    scatter!(ax, fill(p, length(output[j])), output[j];
        color = ("black", 0.5), markersize = 1.5

Why not computing an orbit diagram for each variable and then just plotting the sum of these two?

A nice addition would be a pull request at ChaosTools.orbitdiagram that allows i (the variable index) to be an arbitrary user-defined function of the state. Then could pass f = u -> u[1] + u[2] instead of i. This should be a 4 lines of code change if you want to do it :slight_smile:

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Thank you!
I also wanted to find out if the package already has the ability to search for attractor basins using a sparse matrix? And is it possible to build cobweb for a continuous system using the Poincare mapping?
I found the cobweb implementation in the package only in the interactive GUI

sparse matrix for finding attractors is currently in main branch of ChaosTools but not documented or tagged in a public release.

There isn’t any cobweb functions anywhere besides the interactive plot.

Thank you
I hope this will help solve the problems with finding basins in a 6 dimensional system