I suppose one fundamental distinction is whether you want to make the threads optional at runtime vs at compile time. I think you (and the OP) were primarily looking for a compile-time switch, whereas I’m looking for a runtime switch.
Based on @jlapeyre’s answer, it occurred to me that maybe the easiest way to do this for @threads
is to just modify the definition of the macro from the standard library. Indeed, the following seems like it works perfectly for me:
module ConditionalThreads
using Base.Threads
using Base.Threads: threadid, threading_run
macro threadsif(cond, loop)
if !(isa(loop, Expr) && loop.head === :for)
throw(ArgumentError("@threadsif requires a `for` loop expression"))
if !(loop.args[1] isa Expr && loop.args[1].head === :(=))
throw(ArgumentError("nested outer loops are not currently supported by @threadsif"))
if $(esc(cond))
$(Threads._threadsfor(loop.args[1], loop.args[2], :static))
I’ve left out the schedule
from the original implementation for conciseness since that’s currently limited to :static
anyway. It wouldn’t be hard to add that back in.
Edit (usage example):
I currently have the above macro definition “in production” at QuantumControlBase.jl, and it is used e.g. here: