Optimzing many linear solves

I have a function that runs many linear solves on subsets of columns from a matrix I give it. Something like:

function score(data, parents, child)

    #Subset columns from the data matrix
    @views begin
        X = data[:, parents]
        y = data[:, child]

    #Solve the system
    b = X\y

    #Get the predicted values
    ŷ = X*b

    #return mean square error
    return sum( (yᵢ - ŷᵢ)^2 for (yᵢ, ŷᵢ) in zip(y,ŷ)) / length(y)

An example of calling this function:

data = rand(15,10)
parents = [1,2,3]
child = 4
result = score(data, parents, child)

My question is whether there are any further optimizations I can add to make this function as performant as possible. In my case, the size of the parents vector can change which I think makes things tricky.

If you do the QR factorization of data (assuming that is full column rank), you can re-use it for repeated least-square solves with a subset of the columns. See e.g. GitHub - mpf/QRupdate.jl: Column and row updates to "Q-less" QR decomposition, including stable least-squares solves

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Oh this looks really interesting. In my case there’s no reason why the data wouldn’t be full rank. I tried implementing this method and it gave a little bit more than a 2x speed up :+1:. However, occasionally it gives different/worse solutions (relative to X\y). It looks like maybe the csne() function would need more iterations to converge (?). I’ll have to read the reference they provide to better understand the method.