Hello fellow Julians!
In my code the bottleneck step is a batched ComplexF64 matrix multiplication of the form C[i,k,n] = conj(A)[j,i,n] * B[j,k,n].
Naively, one should loop over n
and do in-place multiplication. However, in the case of floats, it seems that tullio can speed things up considerably. Is it possible to do something better in the complex case as well? Can you help me optimize things further?
To start off, here’s a reference implementation:
using LinearAlgebra
using BenchmarkTools
N, M, K = 500, 10, 200
A = rand(ComplexF64,N,M,K)
B = rand(ComplexF64,N,M,K)
C = zeros(ComplexF64,M,M,K);
function batch_zgemm1!(C,A,B)
for k in axes(C,3)
@views mul!(C[:,:,k],A[:,:,k]',B[:,:,k])
return C
@btime batch_zgemm1!($C, $A, $B) # 4.561 ms (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
A few notes:
- I require complex matrices with full precision for my use case.
- Typical problem sizes for me are
N = 500-1500
,M = 2-20
,K = 100-1600
. - I am aware that MKL has a batched matrix multiplication library, but it would be good to have a pure-Julia solution for my non-Intel computer.
- The individual multiplications are large enough that BLAS benefits from multithreading, so paralellizing over
doesn’t offer any obvious improvements.