Optimize performance comparison - Optim.jl vs Scipy

This is similar to the ODE example. DifferentialEquations.jl (called from Python) beats Numba-compiled SciPy ODE calls by about 10x even though it’s just using Fortran+Numba.


The reason is because function calls in Python are expensive. This is true whether or not a function call is JIT-compiled since you still need a Python interpreter in the middle. This dynamicness in the middle also inhibits all sorts of optimizations. So Numba is really just a trick for small scripts and microbenchmarks but it’s not something that will work well for packages. Its worse case scenario are higher order functions (functions which take in functions), and these show up all of the time in differential equation solvers, optimization problems, etc. (anything that handles user-defined nonlinearity).

I’ll be putting a blog post out which goes into this in some detail.