Optimization of Code for NaN Operations

Hi, I’ve been trying to perform operations on Arrays that may have missing values, using the below prototype function:

function nanop(f::Function,data::Array;dim=1)

    ndim = ndims(data); dsize = size(data);
    if ndim==2
        if dim==1; newdim = [2,1]; data = permutedims(data,newdim); nsize = dsize[2]; end
    elseif ndim>2
        if dim==1; newdim = convert(Array,2:ndim); newdim = vcat(newdim,1);
            data = permutedims(data,newdim);
            nsize = dsize[2:end]
        elseif dim<ndim
            newdim1 = convert(Array,1:dim-1);
            newdim2 = convert(Array,dim+1:ndim);
            newdim  = vcat(newdim1,newdim2,dim)
            data    = permutedims(data,newdim);
            nsize   = tuple(dsize[newdim1]...,dsize[newdim2]...)
        else nsize  = dsize[1:end-1]
    else; nsize = dsize[1:end-1]

    data = reshape(data,:,dsize[dim]); l = size(data,1); out = zeros(l);

    for ii = 1 : l; dataii = data[ii,:];
        out[ii] = f(skipmissing(dataii));

    return reshape(out,nsize)


However, benchmarking using @btime shows that something is seriously slowing down performance for large arrays.

@btime nanop(mean,rand(480,241,365),dim=3);;
@btime nanop(maximum,rand(480,241,365),dim=3);
@btime nanop(minimum,rand(480,241,365),dim=3);
@btime nanop(std,rand(480,241,365),dim=3);

gives me

  619.931 ms (231370 allocations: 663.69 MiB)
  618.972 ms (115690 allocations: 661.93 MiB)
  619.175 ms (115690 allocations: 661.93 MiB)
  829.410 ms (231370 allocations: 663.69 MiB)

Is there any way to reduce memory allocation, because frankly I’m going to be doing operations like

@btime nanop(mean,rand(480,241,365,4),dim=4);;
@btime nanop(maximum,rand(480,241,365,4),dim=4);
@btime nanop(minimum,rand(480,241,365,4),dim=4);
@btime nanop(std,rand(480,241,365,4),dim=4);

which frankly scares the crap out of me since I’ll have to perform the for-loop operation many many more times than in my first few test cases.

skipmissing brings a performance decrease of about factor 3-4 (edited, was 5 but 5 is too much):

julia> a=rand(480,241,365,4);

julia> @benchmark [x for x in a[:]]
  memory estimate:  2.52 GiB
  allocs estimate:  5
  minimum time:     1.651 s (43.07% GC)
  median time:      1.775 s (47.18% GC)
  mean time:        1.783 s (47.36% GC)
  maximum time:     1.922 s (51.20% GC)
  samples:          3
  evals/sample:     1

julia> @benchmark [x for x in skipmissing(a[:])]
  memory estimate:  2.72 GiB
  allocs estimate:  34
  minimum time:     5.952 s (49.85% GC)
  median time:      5.952 s (49.85% GC)
  mean time:        5.952 s (49.85% GC)
  maximum time:     5.952 s (49.85% GC)
  samples:          1
  evals/sample:     1

You can try to set the missing values to something which is neutral to the operation, e.g. case of mean
you can do:

data[:]=[ if ismissing(x) zero(x) else x end for x in data[:] ]
for ii = 1 : l;
        out[ii] = f(data[ii,:]);

(you don’t need to allocate the column into dataii, I didn’t check if it is really allocated, I guess not)

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Thanks so much for your help! I will have to look into this later. will put up some benchmarking later once I get the time.

First of all, you are benchmarking also the creation of the array rand(480,241,365), which takes time and allocates memory. I assume you already have have the array.

julia> @btime nanop(mean, rand(480,241,365); dim=3);
  517.498 ms (231370 allocations: 663.69 MiB)

julia> r = rand(480,241,365);

julia> @btime nanop(mean, $r, dim=3);
  214.726 ms (231368 allocations: 341.55 MiB)

If you mostly want to reduce memory use, you can do this instead:

mapslices(mean∘skipmissing, $r; dims=3);`

Benchmarking shows poorer timing, but far less memory use:

julia> @btime mapslices(mean∘skipmissing, $r; dims=3);
  355.505 ms (1388200 allocations: 34.43 MiB)