Hello there, I’d like to introduce to the Julia community my openBF package.
openBF is a finite-volume solver for one-dimensional blood flow equation in networks of elastic (we are working on visco-elastic behaviour as well) arteries. It has a number of useful features and we hope it will be used for research as well as employed in clinical contex.
I wrote a small description of it on Medium [link]
here it is the GitHub repository [link]
and we have also an official website to host the documentation [link]
I’ve been developing it throughout my phd and it is currently used in a number of research project (mainly in my university), but I think that others may find it useful/interesting.
I am now re-organising the code to make it compliant with official guidelines as I’d like to submit it to METADATA. Also, I’d like to improve the solver performance, so any contribution is well accepted; enjoy!