I realize this is not a very good question due to the nature of the problem, but I have to try since I’ve spent hours debugging this. I am interested in solving a set of ODEs that can be written as follows:
using Elliptic.Jacobi
function dn_ab!(du,u,p,t)
du[1] .= +im*p[1].*u[1] .+ im.*u[2].*dn.(t,real(p[2]))
du[2] .= -im*p[1].*u[2] .+ im.*u[1].*dn.(t,real(p[2]))
# Initial Condition
function ab_dn_t0(x)
A = +χ .+ 0.5.*Ω*λ.*(x) .- π/4
B = -χ .+ 0.5.*Ω*λ.*(x).- π/4
return [2*im*sin(A); 2*cos(B)]
I asked about this before here: Solving same DiffEq repeatedly but with different initial conditions
The equation is solved multiple times and the solutions are recursed over and combined nonlinearly to generate a final solution, \psi, which is the only thing I have some physical intuition about. I will include a MWE showing how this \psi is generated (sorry about that, I did my best to simplify things, I just have no intuition at all on how to deal directly with the solutions of the ODE since they are just intermediate steps).
Using any algorithm except Euler()
to solve the equation, I get a garbage solution, something like (using Tsit5()
The correct solution, only obtainable using Euler()
Everything else used to generate this final solution \psi is correct, I have spent countless hours checking, and the result is perfectly correct when I use Euler()
My question are:
- Why does nothing work but
- Is there a way to use a different algorithm? Some flag I missed in the documentation somewhere?
MWE (I did my best to make it as small as possible, I promise):
You only need to change the line near the end that defines algo
to see the drastic effect on the solution.
I’ve tried almost all the explicit non-stiff algorithms in the documentation and they all give various types of garbage results.
using Elliptic.Jacobi
using DifferentialEquations
using Plots
function solve!(λ, m, χ, Ω, Nₓ, Nₜ, x, t, algo)
N = length(λ)
ψₜ = Array{Complex{Float64}}(undef, Nₜ, Nₓ, N+1)
ψₜ[:,:,1] .= exp.(im*x'.*(1-m/2)).*dn.(t,m)
calc_rs(N, 1, ψₜ, λ, χ, Ω, Nₓ, Nₜ, x, t, algo)
return ψₜ[:,:,N+1]
function calc_rs(n, p, ψₜ, λ, χ, Ω, Nₓ, Nₜ, x, t, algo)
@info "Calculating Lax pair generating functions rₙₚ(x,t) and sₙₚ(x,t) for (n,p) = ($n,$p)"
# Base case
if n == 1
# Allocate empty arrays to hold lax pair generating functions
rf = Array{Complex{Float64}}(undef, Nₜ, Nₓ)
sf = Array{Complex{Float64}}(undef, Nₜ, Nₓ)
# Transpose x
x = x'
# Set up a funnction for the ODE
function dn_ab!(du,u,p,t)
du[1] = +im*p[1].*u[1] .+ im.*u[2].*dn.(t,real(p[2]))
du[2] = -im*p[1].*u[2] .+ im.*u[1].*dn.(t,real(p[2]))
# And the initial condition
function ab_dn_t0(x)
A = +χ[p] .+ 0.5.*Ω[p]*λ[p].*(x) .- π/4
B = -χ[p] .+ 0.5.*Ω[p]*λ[p].*(x) .- π/4
return [2*im*sin(A); 2*cos(B)]
# Prepare the ODE intnegrator
tspan = (0.0,abs(minimum(t)))
u0 = ab_dn_t0(x[1])
prob = ODEProblem(dn_ab!, u0, tspan, [λ[p], m])
dt = t[2]-t[1]
integrator = init(prob, algo, saveat=abs.(t[Nₜ÷2+1:-1:1]), dt = dt/10)
# Loop over x and solve the ODE for each initial condition
# Should do this using the ensemble interface in the future
for i in eachindex(x)
# Set up the new initial condition
u0 = ab_dn_t0(x[i])
reinit!(integrator, u0)
# Solve
# Multiply by phase factor
rf[Nₜ÷2+1:-1:1, i] .= integrator.sol[1, :].*exp.(+im*(x[i])/4*(2*m-1))
sf[Nₜ÷2+1:-1:1, i] .= integrator.sol[2, :].*exp.(-im*(x[i])/4*(2*m-1))
# Mirror x -> x
rf[Nₜ÷2+2:end, i] .= rf[Nₜ÷2:-1:2, i]
sf[Nₜ÷2+2:end, i] .= sf[Nₜ÷2:-1:2, i]
# Compute ψ₁ when p = 1
if p == 1
ψₜ[:,:,n+1] .= ψₜ[:,:,1] .+ (2*(λ[n]' - λ[n]).*sf.*conj.(rf)) ./
(abs2.(rf) + abs2.(sf))
# Recursion when n != 1
# Calculate r_{n_1, 1} and r_{n-1, p} and similarly for s
r1, s1 = calc_rs(n-1, 1, ψₜ, λ, χ, Ω, Nₓ, Nₜ, x, t, algo)
r2, s2 = calc_rs(n-1, p+1, ψₜ, λ, χ, Ω, Nₓ, Nₜ, x, t, algo)
# Apply the DT equations
rf = ((λ[n-1]' - λ[n-1] ) .* conj.(s1) .* r1 .* s2 +
(λ[p+n-1] - λ[n-1] ) .* abs2.(r1) .* r2 +
(λ[p+n-1] - λ[n-1]') .* abs2.(s1) .* r2 ) ./
(abs.(r1).^2 + abs.(s1).^2);
sf = ((λ[n-1]' - λ[n-1] ) .* s1 .*conj(r1) .* r2 +
(λ[p+n-1] - λ[n-1] ) .* abs2.(s1) .* s2 +
(λ[p+n-1] - λ[n-1]') .* abs2.(r1) .* s2 ) ./
(abs.(r1).^2 + abs.(s1).^2);
if p == 1
# Compute ψₙ when p = 1
ψₜ[:,:,n+1] .= ψₜ[:,:,n] + (2*(λ[n]' - λ[n]).*sf.*conj.(rf)) ./
(abs2.(rf) + abs2.(sf))
return rf, sf
# Solution Parameters
λ = [0.9703563759131811im, 0.9278305490267467im, 0.8522446238645338im, 0.7334225464201684im]
m = 0.0625
χ = [0.7030210896262424, 0.618294940689623, 0.5281884841525464, 0.4276187698960945]
Ω = [0.32801962530412965, 0.6560392506082596, 0.9840588759123894, 1.3120785012165201]
# Simulation Parameters
Nₓ = 1000
xᵣ = -10=>10
dx = (xᵣ.second - xᵣ.first)/Nₓ
x = collect(xᵣ.first:dx:xᵣ.second)[1:end-1]
Nₜ = 1024
N = 3
T = 3*28.7323599983721
dt = T/Nₜ
t = dt * collect((-Nₜ/2:Nₜ/2-1))
algo = Tsit5() <----- Change This
ψ = solve!(λ, m, χ, Ω, Nₓ, Nₜ, x, t, algo)
heatmap(t, x, abs.(ψ)')