I am still new to Julia and I am a bit confused about how loop through the columns of a data frame and check their type. I have looked into the documentation and couldn’t find any clarification yet, so I am posting this here.
For the sake of discussion, let’s say I want to check the type of each column in a data frame and perform an operation on those that are not String (perhaps I should say that don’t contain elements of type String). Would the following snippet be correct (in Julia v1.4.1 with DataFrames v0.20.2)?
using DataFrames
df = DataFrame(text = ["a", "b", "c"], num1 = [1, 3, 5], num2 = [2.0, 4.0, 6.0])
for nm in names(df)
if eltype(df[!, nm]) != String
df[!, nm] = df[!, nm]./100
What would be the best practice to accomplish this?
Incidentally, and I beg pardon in advance for asking this in the wrong category, in VS Code v1.44.2, the word “df” in names(df)
, eltype(df[!, nm])
and df[!, nm]./100
has an underlying yellow/orange wavy line (the editor claims “Missing reference: df Julia(Julia)
”), as well as it shows a wawy reddish underlying line from String
to the equal after df[!, nm]
in the next line (in this case it throws a “Parsing error Julia(Julia)
” message). Why is that the case? Are these warnings/errors? The code runs just fine without any message from Julia though…
Julia Version 1.4.1
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