Off-topic operating system flames

I personnally hate windows, but can’t go around it, especially in my company. We are not allowed to run a linux distribution. Microsoft is everywhere…

Use WSL.

I wish… it is blocked

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Some sources claim that the share of the Windows operating system for desktops and laptops is almost 75% of all installations…


Well, the topic of this thread is about “serious work”…
I don’t think you can use Windows for “serious work”…
Each time you have to do something important either the virus scanner or the auto-updater kicks in and stops you from working…

Just my experience…

But I know that many companies require you to use Windows, so I guess we cannot ignore it…

From my current employer I got two laptops, one with Windows (company policy) and one with Linux (for doing the serious work)…


Really? I can’t believe I’m seeing this here.


Well, I am control engineer, and real-time performance is essential for me… If I would be photographer and would need Photoshop my opinion would probably be different…

So in the end it depends on your requirements…

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A Geophysicist here. No Photographer (not that that is bad in any sense).
And forgive me to put this way, but this *nix arrogance just take me out off seriousness.


This is just an opinion, yours. Valid as any opinion, yet certainly not a fact.
In reality, Windows is great OS for serious work. Even for your domain, control.

I can tell you that some of the world most successful missile systems (You can imagine the complexity of the control systems) was developed on Windows (The code was developed on Windows machines, The missile doesn’t use Windows). You know why? Because some think that when you have a large C / C++ code nothing comes close to the UX of working with Visual Studio.


I thought the topic of this forum is Julia programming, and VSCode is the same on Linux and Windows.

VSCode is not the same as Visual Studio:


I think what derailed the discussion was that someone claimed that Windows could not be used for serious work, something that definitely called my own job and business into question.


C’mon folks, let’s not have flame wars like this — Windows, Linux and Mac are all fully-supported OSes and lots of folks have strong preferences. Debating like this isn’t going to serve any purpose.