I have successfully used ODBC.jl to retrieve data from a PostgreSQL server in the past (on Ubuntu). I’m trying to recreate my setup on Arch Linux, and running into problems when I load the ODBC package. I am using the same odbcinst.ini and odbc.ini files (in /etc), and I have the psqlodbc v9.03.0400-2 and unixodbc v2.3.4-2 Arch packages installed.
julia> using ODBC
ERROR: InitError: ccall: could not find function SQLAllocHandle in library
in SQLAllocHandle(::Int16, ::Ptr{Void}, ::Base.RefValue{Ptr{Void}}) at ~/.julia/v0.5/ODBC/src/API.jl:63
during initialization of module ODBC
This is on Julia v0.5.1 and ODBC.jl v0.5.2.
Outside of Julia, I am able to connect to the database and retrieve queries using isql, and my installed drivers show up when I using odbcinst -q -d:
So it doesn’t seem to be finding anything. When I look in /usr/lib, I get
> cd /usr/lib
> ls *odbc*
libodbccr.so libodbcinst.so libodbc.so psqlodbcw.so
libodbccr.so.2 libodbcinst.so.2 libodbc.so.2
libodbccr.so.2.0.0 libodbcinst.so.2.0.0 libodbc.so.2.0.0
libtdbcodbc1.0.4.so pkgIndex.tcl tdbcodbc.tcl
So the library is present. After using ODBC, I tried to set the library manually, using libodbc, libodbc.so and /usr/lib/libodbc.so. I get a warning about redefining constant odbc_dm that I’m not worried about, but if I try ODBC.listdrivers() or ODBC.listdsns(), I get
ERROR: UndefVarError: ENV not defined
in listdrivers() at ~/.julia/v0.5/ODBC/src/ODBC.jl:72
in eval_user_input(::Any, ::Base.REPL.REPLBackend) at ./REPL.jl:64
in macro expansion at ./REPL.jl:95 [inlined]
in (::Base.REPL.##3#4{Base.REPL.REPLBackend})() at ./event.jl:68
Some build results will be cached in, for example, the deps/deps.jl file. One easy way to delete those is:
cd ~/.julia/v0.5/ODBC
git clean -f -x
Warning: this will delete any files inside the ODBC package directory which are not committed in git. If you have any new files or local modifications to that package, don’t do this.
After running git clean, you should be able to run Pkg.build("ODBC") in julia and get a clean re-build.
Unfortunately that didn’t work. But for some reason deleting the directory and running Pkg.update() to reinstall it did work. It now detects my drivers and DSNs correctly.
Ah yes, I guess the current form of setODBC isn’t quite enough if you’re actually going to redefine the library, it needs to, rather, be something like
function setODBC(x)
eval(ODBC.API, :(odbc_dm = $x))