I am working with Julia 0.5.2 and I added ODBC package Pkg.add ("ODBC")
On running
Using ODBC
I get the following error:
LoadError: InitError: ccall: could not find function SQLAllocHandle in library
during initialization of module ODBC
while loading /home/shreyansj/.julia/v0.5/ODBC/src/ODBC.jl, in expression starting on line 176
in require at base/loading.jl:415
in eval at base/boot.jl:234
in include_from_node1 at base/loading.jl:488
in init at ODBC/src/ODBC.jl:171
in ODBCAllocHandle at ODBC/src/Source.jl:4
in SQLAllocHandle at ODBC/src/API.jl:63
I have referred this thread and tried the steps there. In /usr/lib none of the below libraries are present:
lib_choices = [“libodbc”, “libodbc.so”, “libodbc.so.1”, “libodbc.so.2”, “libodbc.so.3”]
Thanks in advance!