Numerical errors in logit normal model using Turing.jl

Hello everyone,

This is my first post in a Julia forum! I have really been enjoying studying Turing.jl , Gen, and Julia in general. Thank you to all developers!

I am trying to fit a simple “logit normal” model, that is a typical Binomial model where the probabilities vary between trials. This variation is modeled as a normal distribution on the logit scale. I’m including a reproducible example below. When I run this in Julia 1.2.0 i get a large number of numerical errors, followed by what appears to be a single sample from the posterior (not 2000, as I had hoped). Any help would be appreciated !

ns = fill(400, 50)

# Sigmoid function (numerically stable)
sigmoid(x::T) where {T<:Real} = x >= zero(x) ? inv(exp(-x) + one(x)) : exp(x) / (exp(x) + one(x))

# variation in probabilities
ps = sigmoid.(rand(Normal(-1,0.5), 50))

xs = rand.(Binomial.(ns, ps))

@model normal_logit(n, x) = begin
    n_obs = length(n)

    ## hyperparameters for varying effectgs
    ā ~ Normal(0, 0.5)
    σ_a ~ Truncated(Exponential(3), 0, Inf)

    # varying intercepts for each observation
    a = Vector{Real}(undef, n_obs)
    a ~ [Normal(ā, σ_a)]
    p = sigmoid.(a)
    for i in eachindex(n)
        x[i] ~ Binomial(n[i], p[i])

normal_logit_samples = sample(normal_logit(xs, ps), NUTS(100, 0.65), 2000)

Hi, great to read that.

Regarding your question. The sigmoid function is unfortunately not numerically stable. Therefore, we provide the BinomialLogit distribution as a numerically stable alternative in Turing.


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Btw. You can probably significantly improve the performance of sampling by using reverse mode AD and making the model type stable.

See this example:

@model gauss2(x, ::Type{TV}=Vector{Float64}) where {TV} = begin
            priors = TV(undef, 2)
            priors[1] ~ InverseGamma(2,3)         # s
            priors[2] ~ Normal(0, sqrt(priors[1])) # m
            for i in 1:length(x)
                x[i] ~ Normal(priors[2], sqrt(priors[1]))

In your case you would replace the Array{Real} by the TV syntax used above.

Apologies for the short responses, I’m writing on the phone.

Change the above to:

a ~ MvNormal(fill(ā, n_obs), σ_a)

This together with using Turing.setadbackend(:reverse_diff) before sampling should give you a good speedup.

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Thank you everyone who answered! after including all your suggestions I still receive many thousands of numerical errors. when the sampler does “finish”, there seems to be only a single effective sample (at least, the errors are on the order of e-17) !

Here is one of my error messages:

┌ Warning: The current proposal will be rejected due to numerical error(s).
│   isfiniteθ = true
│   isfiniter = true
│   isfiniteℓπ = false
│   isfiniteℓκ = true
└ @ AdvancedHMC ~/.julia/packages/AdvancedHMC/PQWco/src/hamiltonian.jl:36

And here is a part of the result (incidentally, the estimates are not at all close to the values used in simulation)

│ 301 │ ā          │ 1.27113    │ 1.99893e-15 │ 4.58585e-17 │ 0.0     │ 7.63052 │ 0.999474 │
│ 302 │ σ_a        │ 3.66604    │ 4.44206e-15 │ 1.01908e-16 │ 0.0     │ 7.63052 │ 0.999474 │

Finally here is what I hope is a completely reproducible example. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

import Pkg; Pkg.activate(".")
using Distributions
using Turing

ns = fill(400, 300)

# Sigmoid function for generating data
sigmoid(x::T) where {T<:Real} = x >= zero(x) ? inv(exp(-x) + one(x)) : exp(x) / (exp(x) + one(x))

# variation in probabilities
ps = sigmoid.(rand(Normal(-2,0.8), 300))

xs = rand.(Binomial.(ns, ps))

@model normal_logit(n, ::Type{TV}=Vector{Float64}) where {TV} = begin

    n_obs = length(n)
    ## hyperparameters for varying effectgs
    ā ~ Normal(0, 0.5)
    σ_a ~ Truncated(Exponential(3), 0, Inf)

    # varying intercepts for each observation
    a = TV(undef, n_obs)
    a ~ MvNormal(fill(ā, n_obs), σ_a)

    for i in eachindex(n)
        x[i] ~ BinomialLogit(n[i], a[i])


normal_logit_samples = sample(normal_logit(xs, ps), NUTS(100, 0.65), 2000)

I’m struggling to understand your model. But I think at the moment it is not correctly implemented.

I think it might be like this, but I’m not 100% sure what you aim to do.

# your model
# n: number of trials for each observation
# x: observed value
@model normal_logit(n, x) = begin

    n_obs = length(n)

    ## hyperparameters for varying effectgs
    ā ~ Normal(0, 0.5)
    σ_a ~ Truncated(Exponential(3), 0, Inf)

    # varying intercepts for each observation
    a ~ MvNormal(fill(ā, n_obs), σ_a)

    for i in eachindex(n)
        x[i] ~ BinomialLogit(n[i], a[i])

and then…

sample(normal_logit(ns, xs), NUTS(100, 0.65), 2000)

This way the sampling works just fine.

Does this make sense to you?

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Alternatively you can do:

@model normal_logit(n, x) = begin

    n_obs = length(n)

    ## hyperparameters for varying effectgs
    ā ~ Normal(0, 0.5)
    σ_a ~ Truncated(Exponential(3), 0, Inf)

    # varying intercepts for each observation
    a ~ MvNormal(fill(ā, n_obs), σ_a)

    x ~ VecBinomialLogit(n, a)

which will likely be faster. You can get some more performance by using FillArrays.jl.

using FillArrays
@model normal_logit(n, x) = begin

    n_obs = length(n)

    ## hyperparameters for varying effectgs
    ā ~ Normal(0, 0.5)
    σ_a ~ Truncated(Exponential(3), 0, Inf)

    # varying intercepts for each observation
    a ~ MvNormal(Fill(ā, n_obs), σ_a)

    x ~ VecBinomialLogit(n, a)

which will be more memory efficient due to less allocations.

It’s a bit inconvenient that we call a multivariate version of BinomialLogit a VecBinomialLogit. Besides the doc string is pretty bad. I’ll open a PR fixing those issues.

It does! So the problem was actually with trying to make the model type stable in the first place? Are there any guidelines for when that is a good idea? That is something I only learned about here, not in the docs.

The model is not so very exotic; it is sometimes called a “logit normal” model, where the parameter for the Binomial distribution is modelled as an average constant plus some normally distributed error on the logit scale:


indeed, sampling works fine (without errors) for me, but seems to take two hours. In Stan I was able to draw three times as many samples in less than 5 min

Try the last example I posted. Takes around 10 seconds on my 10 years old Macbook. :smiley:

Thank you very much! I admit I tried hard to use VegBinomialLogit and did not succeed.
Here I am having a very similar error to my previous one:

MethodError: no method matching VecBinomialLogit(::Array{Int64,1}, ::TrackedArray{…,SubArray{Float64,1,Array{Float64,1},Tuple{UnitRange{Int64}},true}})

output of st is

    Status `~/Documents/projects/MREs/Turing_binomial/Project.toml`
  [31c24e10]   Distributions v0.21.6
  [1a297f60] + FillArrays v0.8.0
    Status `~/Documents/projects/MREs/Turing_binomial/Manifest.toml`
  [1a297f60] + FillArrays v0.8.0

This and that you called the sampling with the xs and ps instead of ns and xs.

Type-stability always helps to make execution of an Julia program faster. This is nothing PPL related. If the model is not type-stable the whole type inference during sampling makes the computation expensive.

We are still having a performance tips page on the todo list.
@mohamed82008 , are you still working on it? Do you need some help?

Some general tips:
You should try to use multivariate distributions if possible as this will reduce allocation and computation costs. FillArrays often helps if you have a situation as in your model.
If you cannot express it using a multivariate distribution, you should use the typed syntax I proposed in one of the first posts.

Please do the following for now. I’ll included this into the PR. Sorry for the inconvenience!

using FillArrays

    MvBinomialLogit(n::Vector{<:Int}, logpitp::Vector{<:Real})

A multivariate binomial logit distribution with `n` trials and logit values of `logitp`.
struct MvBinomialLogit{T<:Real, I<:Int} <: DiscreteMultivariateDistribution

Distributions.length(d::MvBinomialLogit) = length(d.n)

function Distributions.logpdf(d::MvBinomialLogit{<:Real}, ks::Vector{<:Integer})
    return sum(Turing.logpdf_binomial_logit.(d.n, d.logitp, ks))

@model normal_logit(n, x) = begin

    n_obs = length(n)

    ## hyperparameters for varying effectgs
    ā ~ Normal(0, 0.5)
    σ_a ~ Truncated(Exponential(3), 0, Inf)

    # varying intercepts for each observation
    a ~ MvNormal(Fill(ā, n_obs), σ_a)

    x ~ MvBinomialLogit(n, a)

@trappmartin thank you so much for your help so far. However I can’t replicate your success so far! When I try with default settings, I get a warning, a long pause, followed by a progress bar that predicts 24 hours

this is the warning:

lbeta(x::Real, w::Real)` is deprecated, use `(logabsbeta(x, w))[1]` instead.
│   caller = logpdf_binomial_logit(::Int64, [etc]

If i set Turing.setadbackend(:reverse_diff), i get

Not implemented: convert tracked Tracker.TrackedReal{Float64} to tracked Float64
error(::String) at error.jl:33
convert(::Type{Tracker.TrackedReal{Float64}}, ::Tracker.TrackedReal{Tracker.TrackedReal{Float64}}) at real.jl:39

Could it be the versions of the packages involved?

Yes, you should use reverse mode AD. Forward mode is slow if you have many parameters to infer.

I’ll check later. I’m not on my computer atm.

Yes! Please open a PR.

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I have also experienced poor performance with reverse diff. Would you mind sharing a full working version of your model once the issues are resolved?

@Christopher_Fisher Certainly! In fact the various incarnations of this model are all here in the same github repo. Here is the latest one using FillArrays

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Hi, here is an implementation that works fine on #master and should work on the latest release too. I had to remove the FillArrays bit again, don’t know why this made trouble and worked in the first place.

@mohamed82008 I think this should work with FillArrays too? Not sure why this is problematic.

using Turing
using StatsFuns

ns = fill(400, 300)

# variation in probabilities
ps = logistic.(rand(Normal(-2,0.8), 300))

xs = rand.(Binomial.(ns, ps))

struct MvBinomialLogit{T<:AbstractVector{<:Real}, I<:AbstractVector{<:Int}} <: DiscreteMultivariateDistribution

Distributions.length(d::MvBinomialLogit) = length(d.n)

function Distributions.logpdf(d::MvBinomialLogit, ks::AbstractVector{<:Int})
    return sum(Turing.logpdf_binomial_logit.(d.n, d.logitp, ks))

@model normal_logit(n, x) = begin

    n_obs = length(n)

    ## hyperparameters for varying effectgs
    b ~ Normal(0, 0.5)
    σ_a ~ Truncated(Exponential(3), 0, Inf)

    # varying intercepts for each observation
    a ~ MvNormal(fill(b, n_obs), σ_a)

    x ~ MvBinomialLogit(n, a)

normal_logit_samples = sample(normal_logit(ns, xs), NUTS(1000, 0.8), 2000);

Not that I had to increase the number of adaptation iterations to prevent NUTS from diverging after the adaptation. I guess 1000 is unnecessary and less would work too, I didn’t play around much with it.

Please let me know if this works for you.