Numerical-Code: Warnings and Errors due to scopes

I am a newbie in Julia an I have written the following code:

using LinearAlgebra
using Plots

    t = 0;

    epsilon = 0.1;

    ########## initial data: Sod problem (rho,u,T) ##########
    Prim_l = [1 0 1];                           # 0 <= x <= 0.5
	Prim_r = [0.125 0 0.1];                     # 0.5 < x <= 1

    ########## domain in space ##########

    x_start = 0;                                # start
    x_end   = 1;                                # end

    k   = 250;                                  # cell discretization, grid-points
	dx  = (x_end-x_start)/k;

    ########## velocity space (v = molecular velocities at certain point x at time t) ##########

    v_start = -4.5;                             # start
    v_end   = 4.5;                              # end

    v_nodes = 100;                              # velocity discretization, velocity-points

    v = collect(range(v_start,v_end,v_nodes));  # collect(range(a,b,n)) <-> LinRange(x): works! 
    w = 9/v_nodes*ones(size(v));                # width (for numerical integration)

    ########## calculation initial elements of U ##########
    xx = LinRange(x_start,x_end,k+1);
    xm = 0.5*(xx[1:end-1] + xx[2:end]);

    U       = zeros(k,3);
	g_val   = zeros(k+1,v_nodes);

    U[:,1] = (xm.<=0.5)*Prim_l[1]+(xm.>0.5)*Prim_r[1];      # rho
    U[:,2] = (xm.<=0.5)*Prim_l[2]+(xm.>0.5)*Prim_r[2];      # u bulk velocity of the gas
    U[:,3] = (xm.<=0.5)*Prim_l[3]+(xm.>0.5)*Prim_r[3];      # temperatur

    ########## initial data: Flux, Source ##########

    Flux    = zeros(k+1,3);    
	Source  = zeros(k,3);

    ########## parts of v ##########

    vvp     = kron(ones(k+1,1),v'.*(v'.>0));    # v^{+}
    vvm     = kron(ones(k+1,1),v'.*(v'.<0));    # v^{-}
	vv      = kron(ones(k+1,1),v');             # v
	vv_s    = kron(ones(k,1),v');

    dt      = 0.0005;                           # time-step
    t_end   = 0.14;                             # running time

    while t < t_end
        M               = Maxwell(U, v);
        vM              = M[[1;1:k],:].*vvp + M[[1:k;k],:].*vvm;                                                        # term: <m*(v^{+}*M^{n}_{i} + v^{-}*M^{n}_{i+1})>
        vg_dx           = (g_val[1:k+1,:]-g_val[[1;1:k],:]).*vvp/dx + (g_val[[2:k+1;k+1],:]-g_val[1:k+1,:]).*vvm/dx;    # term: [v^{+}*(g^{n}_{i+1/2}-g^{n}_{i-1/2})/deltax + v^{-}*(g^{n}_{i+3/2}-g^{n}_{i+1/2})/deltax]
        vM_dx           = vv.*(M[[1:k;k],:]-M[[1;1:k],:])/dx;                                                           # term: (v*(M^{n}_{i+1}-M^{n}_{i})/deltax)

        A               = id_min_proj(U, M, vg_dx, vM_dx, v, w);                        # return value id_min_proj: tensor([251,100],2)
        vg_dx           = A[1];
        vM_dx           = A[2];

        g_val           = (g_val - dt*vg_dx - dt/epsilon*vM_dx)/(1+dt/epsilon);         # kinetic equation

        Flux[:,1]       = vM*w;
        Flux[:,2]       = (vv.*vM)*w;
        Flux[:,3]       = 0.5*(vv.^2 .*vM)*w;
        g_dx            = (g_val[2:k+1,:]-g_val[1:k,:])/dx;
        Source[:,1]     = g_dx*diagm(w)*v;
        Source[:,2]     = (vv_s.*g_dx)*diagm(w)*v;
        Source[:,3]     = 0.5*(vv_s.^2 .*g_dx)*diagm(w)*v;

        U               = U - dt/dx*(Flux[2:end,:]-Flux[1:end-1,:]) - dt*epsilon*Source;        # macroscopic equation

        t               = t+dt;


    rho = U[:,1];
    u   = U[:,2]./rho;
    T   = 2*U[:,3]./rho-u.^2;
using LinearAlgebra

function id_min_proj(U, M, vg, vM, v, w)
    rho = [U[1,1];U[:,1]];
    u   = [U[2,2];U[:,2]]./rho;
    T   = 2*[U[3,3];U[:,3]]./rho-u.^2;

    M = [M[1,:]';M];

    vv = kron(ones(size(rho)),v');
    uu = kron(u,ones(size(v')));
    TT = kron(T,ones(size(v')));
    rrho = kron(rho,ones(size(v')));

    ########## terms of vg ##########

    mean_phi    = vg*w;                                     # term: <phi>
    mean_vphi   = ((vv-uu).*vg)*w;                          # term: <(v-u)*phi>
    mean_v2phi  = ((0.5*(vv-uu).^2 ./TT .-0.5).*vg)*w;      # term: <((v-u)^2/2T - 1/2)*phi>; d=1, because one-dimensional gas

    vg_proj = (kron((mean_phi./rho), ones(size(v'))) + kron((mean_vphi./(rho.*T)), ones(size(v'))).*(vv-uu) + kron((mean_v2phi./rho), ones(size(v'))).*((vv-uu).^2 ./TT .-1)).*M;
    ret_vg = vg_proj;

    ########## terms of vM ##########

    mean_phi    = vM*w;                                     # term: <phi>
    mean_vphi   = ((vv-uu).*vM)*w;                          # term: <(v-u)*phi>
    mean_v2phi  = ((0.5*(vv-uu).^2 ./TT .-0.5).*vM)*w;      # term: <((v-u)^2/2T - 1/2)*phi>; d=1, because one-dimensional gas

    vM_proj = (kron((mean_phi./rho), ones(size(v'))) + kron((mean_vphi./(rho.*T)), ones(size(v'))).*(vv-uu)  + kron((mean_v2phi./rho), ones(size(v'))).*((vv-uu).^2 ./TT .-1)).*M;
    ret_vM = vM_proj;

    return ret_vg, ret_vM

using LinearAlgebra

function Maxwell(U, v)

    rho     = U[:,1];                       # rho
    u       = U[:,2]./rho;                  # u bulk velocity of the gas
    T       = 2*U[:,3]./rho-u.^2;           # temperatur

    vv      = kron(ones(size(rho)),v');
    uu      = kron(u,ones(size(v')));
    TT      = kron(T,ones(size(v')));
    rrho    = kron(rho,ones(size(v')));

    return M = rrho./sqrt.(2*pi*TT).*exp.((-0.5*(vv-uu).^2)./TT);


I get the following output in REPL:

┌ Warning: Assignment to `g_val` in soft scope is ambiguous because a global variable by the same name exists: `g_val` will be treated as a new local. Disambiguate by using `local g_val` to suppress this warning or `global g_val` to assign to the existing global variable.
└ @ ~/Julia.Projekte/Test.jl:71
┌ Warning: Assignment to `U` in soft scope is ambiguous because a global variable by the same name exists: `U` will be treated as a new local. Disambiguate by using `local U` to suppress this warning or `global U` to assign to the existing global variable.
└ @ ~/Julia.Projekte/Test.jl:82
┌ Warning: Assignment to `t` in soft scope is ambiguous because a global variable by the same name exists: `t` will be treated as a new local. Disambiguate by using `local t` to suppress this warning or `global t` to assign to the existing global variable.
└ @ ~/Julia.Projekte/Test.jl:84
ERROR: UndefVarError: `U` not defined
 [1] top-level scope
   @ ~/Julia.Projekte/Test.jl:61

┌ Warning: Assignment to `g_val` in soft scope is ambiguous because a global variable by the same name exists: `g_val` will be treated as a new local. Disambiguate by using `local g_val` to suppress this warning or `global g_val` to assign to the existing global variable.
└ @ ~/Julia.Projekte/Test.jl:71
┌ Warning: Assignment to `U` in soft scope is ambiguous because a global variable by the same name exists: `U` will be treated as a new local. Disambiguate by using `local U` to suppress this warning or `global U` to assign to the existing global variable.
└ @ ~/Julia.Projekte/Test.jl:82
┌ Warning: Assignment to `t` in soft scope is ambiguous because a global variable by the same name exists: `t` will be treated as a new local. Disambiguate by using `local t` to suppress this warning or `global t` to assign to the existing global variable.
└ @ ~/Julia.Projekte/Test.jl:84
ERROR: UndefVarError: `U` not defined
 [1] top-level scope
   @ ~/Julia.Projekte/Test.jl:61

Okay … the matrix M is not calculated, I think, due to the warnings. I took some looks at books about Julia with code examples. I cannot find any hints with this scopes. All in all … this code works in Matlab. I have re-write this code in Julia, with some changes (such as the matrix-notations).

The code seems to be work, when I set’ global’ (but I think, this is the the final BEST solution!):

using LinearAlgebra
using Plots

    t = 0;

    epsilon = 0.1;

    ########## initial data: Sod problem (rho,u,T) ##########
    Prim_l = [1 0 1];                           # 0 <= x <= 0.5
	Prim_r = [0.125 0 0.1];                     # 0.5 < x <= 1

    ########## domain in space ##########

    x_start = 0;                                # start
    x_end   = 1;                                # end

    k   = 250;                                  # cell discretization, grid-points
	dx  = (x_end-x_start)/k;

    ########## velocity space (v = molecular velocities at certain point x at time t) ##########

    v_start = -4.5;                             # start
    v_end   = 4.5;                              # end

    v_nodes = 100;                              # velocity discretization, velocity-points

    v = collect(range(v_start,v_end,v_nodes));  # collect(range(a,b,n)) <-> LinRange(x): works! 
    w = 9/v_nodes*ones(size(v));                # width (for numerical integration)

    ########## calculation initial elements of U ##########
    xx = LinRange(x_start,x_end,k+1);
    xm = 0.5*(xx[1:end-1] + xx[2:end]);

    U       = zeros(k,3);
	g_val   = zeros(k+1,v_nodes);

    U[:,1] = (xm.<=0.5)*Prim_l[1]+(xm.>0.5)*Prim_r[1];      # rho
    U[:,2] = (xm.<=0.5)*Prim_l[2]+(xm.>0.5)*Prim_r[2];      # u bulk velocity of the gas
    U[:,3] = (xm.<=0.5)*Prim_l[3]+(xm.>0.5)*Prim_r[3];      # temperatur

    ########## initial data: Flux, Source ##########

    Flux    = zeros(k+1,3);    
	Source  = zeros(k,3);

    ########## parts of v ##########

    vvp     = kron(ones(k+1,1),v'.*(v'.>0));    # v^{+}
    vvm     = kron(ones(k+1,1),v'.*(v'.<0));    # v^{-}
	vv      = kron(ones(k+1,1),v');             # v
	vv_s    = kron(ones(k,1),v');

    dt      = 0.0005;                           # time-step
    t_end   = 0.14;                             # running time

    while t < t_end
        global M               = Maxwell(U, v);
        global vM              = M[[1;1:k],:].*vvp + M[[1:k;k],:].*vvm;                                                        # term: <m*(v^{+}*M^{n}_{i} + v^{-}*M^{n}_{i+1})>
        global vg_dx           = (g_val[1:k+1,:]-g_val[[1;1:k],:]).*vvp/dx + (g_val[[2:k+1;k+1],:]-g_val[1:k+1,:]).*vvm/dx;    # term: [v^{+}*(g^{n}_{i+1/2}-g^{n}_{i-1/2})/deltax + v^{-}*(g^{n}_{i+3/2}-g^{n}_{i+1/2})/deltax]
        global vM_dx           = vv.*(M[[1:k;k],:]-M[[1;1:k],:])/dx;                                                           # term: (v*(M^{n}_{i+1}-M^{n}_{i})/deltax)

        global A               = id_min_proj(U, M, vg_dx, vM_dx, v, w);                        # return value id_min_proj: tensor([251,100],2)
        vg_dx           = A[1];
        vM_dx           = A[2];

        global g_val           = (g_val - dt*vg_dx - dt/epsilon*vM_dx)/(1+dt/epsilon);         # kinetic equation

        Flux[:,1]       = vM*w;
        Flux[:,2]       = (vv.*vM)*w;
        Flux[:,3]       = 0.5*(vv.^2 .*vM)*w;
        global g_dx            = (g_val[2:k+1,:]-g_val[1:k,:])/dx;
        Source[:,1]     = g_dx*diagm(w)*v;
        Source[:,2]     = (vv_s.*g_dx)*diagm(w)*v;
        Source[:,3]     = 0.5*(vv_s.^2 .*g_dx)*diagm(w)*v;

        global U               = U - dt/dx*(Flux[2:end,:]-Flux[1:end-1,:]) - dt*epsilon*Source;        # macroscopic equation

        global t               = t+dt;


    rho = U[:,1];
    u   = U[:,2]./rho;
    T   = 2*U[:,3]./rho-u.^2;

    plot(xm, rho)

Kind regars!

Hi there!
You kinds disregarded the most important rule in Julia: don’t compute stuff in global scope! It’s slow and the scoping works a bit differently (as you experience).

So the quick fix is just to wrap your whole code (expect the using statements) in the first code block you posted in a function (e.g. main()) and then call it. That should be sufficient to make everything work (if the code is otherwise correct).


thank you for your feedback!
When were scopes introduced in Julia?
I have some books about Julia, and nothing is mentioned about scopes there.
I used some code example from ‘Ferreira Introduction to Computational Physics with examples in Julia, 2016’.
Of course, these codes work with Julia due to scope problems.

I can’t tell you when the current scoping rules where implemented, but I think the latest change was soft global scope for the REPL which should’nt influence your code. You can read about scopes here:

Please note that examples from 2016 are ancient with respect to Julia. Julia 1.0 was released in 2018. So you should probably find a more upto date source.

How does the Main() function look like, for example? I need corresponding inputs for functions, which are defined in brackets.

The quick fix is really just wrapping everything (except using statements) in a function and then calling that:

using LinearAlgebra
using Plots

function main() # wrap everything in a function
    t = 0;

    epsilon = 0.1;

    ########## initial data: Sod problem (rho,u,T) ##########
    Prim_l = [1 0 1];                           # 0 <= x <= 0.5
	Prim_r = [0.125 0 0.1];                     # 0.5 < x <= 1

    ########## domain in space ##########

    x_start = 0;                                # start
    x_end   = 1;                                # end

    k   = 250;                                  # cell discretization, grid-points
	dx  = (x_end-x_start)/k;

    ########## velocity space (v = molecular velocities at certain point x at time t) ##########

    v_start = -4.5;                             # start
    v_end   = 4.5;                              # end

    v_nodes = 100;                              # velocity discretization, velocity-points

    v = collect(range(v_start,v_end,v_nodes));  # collect(range(a,b,n)) <-> LinRange(x): works! 
    w = 9/v_nodes*ones(size(v));                # width (for numerical integration)

    ########## calculation initial elements of U ##########
    xx = LinRange(x_start,x_end,k+1);
    xm = 0.5*(xx[1:end-1] + xx[2:end]);

    U       = zeros(k,3);
	g_val   = zeros(k+1,v_nodes);

    U[:,1] = (xm.<=0.5)*Prim_l[1]+(xm.>0.5)*Prim_r[1];      # rho
    U[:,2] = (xm.<=0.5)*Prim_l[2]+(xm.>0.5)*Prim_r[2];      # u bulk velocity of the gas
    U[:,3] = (xm.<=0.5)*Prim_l[3]+(xm.>0.5)*Prim_r[3];      # temperatur

    ########## initial data: Flux, Source ##########

    Flux    = zeros(k+1,3);    
	Source  = zeros(k,3);

    ########## parts of v ##########

    vvp     = kron(ones(k+1,1),v'.*(v'.>0));    # v^{+}
    vvm     = kron(ones(k+1,1),v'.*(v'.<0));    # v^{-}
	vv      = kron(ones(k+1,1),v');             # v
	vv_s    = kron(ones(k,1),v');

    dt      = 0.0005;                           # time-step
    t_end   = 0.14;                             # running time

    while t < t_end
        M               = Maxwell(U, v);
        vM              = M[[1;1:k],:].*vvp + M[[1:k;k],:].*vvm;                                                        # term: <m*(v^{+}*M^{n}_{i} + v^{-}*M^{n}_{i+1})>
        vg_dx           = (g_val[1:k+1,:]-g_val[[1;1:k],:]).*vvp/dx + (g_val[[2:k+1;k+1],:]-g_val[1:k+1,:]).*vvm/dx;    # term: [v^{+}*(g^{n}_{i+1/2}-g^{n}_{i-1/2})/deltax + v^{-}*(g^{n}_{i+3/2}-g^{n}_{i+1/2})/deltax]
        vM_dx           = vv.*(M[[1:k;k],:]-M[[1;1:k],:])/dx;                                                           # term: (v*(M^{n}_{i+1}-M^{n}_{i})/deltax)

        A               = id_min_proj(U, M, vg_dx, vM_dx, v, w);                        # return value id_min_proj: tensor([251,100],2)
        vg_dx           = A[1];
        vM_dx           = A[2];

        g_val           = (g_val - dt*vg_dx - dt/epsilon*vM_dx)/(1+dt/epsilon);         # kinetic equation

        Flux[:,1]       = vM*w;
        Flux[:,2]       = (vv.*vM)*w;
        Flux[:,3]       = 0.5*(vv.^2 .*vM)*w;
        g_dx            = (g_val[2:k+1,:]-g_val[1:k,:])/dx;
        Source[:,1]     = g_dx*diagm(w)*v;
        Source[:,2]     = (vv_s.*g_dx)*diagm(w)*v;
        Source[:,3]     = 0.5*(vv_s.^2 .*g_dx)*diagm(w)*v;

        U               = U - dt/dx*(Flux[2:end,:]-Flux[1:end-1,:]) - dt*epsilon*Source;        # macroscopic equation

        t               = t+dt;


    rho = U[:,1];
    u   = U[:,2]./rho;
    T   = 2*U[:,3]./rho-u.^2;

main() # now call it