I have some data that I need to fit. All the other functions work, I’m just trying to minimize the cost function model in my code. Assuming you have all the same packages as me (the only errant one may be Underscores.jl), the notebook should run perfectly except for the calibrate code. The same error I get will be reproduced upon running the notebook. Thank you.
The errant script
using LinearAlgebra,Underscores, LsqFit
function podCalibrate()
α,β = 40,85
Rp,Rb = 300/2, 500/2
s_nom1 = [92.1597,84.4488,0]
s_nom2 = [27.055,122.037,0]
s_nom3 = [-119.2146,37.5882,0]
s_nom4 = [-199.2146,-37.5882,0]
s_nom5 = [27.055,-122.037,0]
s_nom6 = [92.1597,-84.4488,0]
s_nom = [s_nom1 s_nom2 s_nom3 s_nom4 s_nom5 s_nom6]
u_nom1 = [305.4001,111.1565,0]
u_nom2 = [-56.4357,320.0625,0]
u_nom3 = [-248.9644,208.9060,0]
u_nom4 = [-248.9644,-208.9060,0]
u_nom5 = [-56.4357,-320.0625,0]
u_nom6 = [305.4001,-111.1565,0]
u_nom = [u_nom1 u_nom2 u_nom3 u_nom4 u_nom5 u_nom6]
l_nom = 604.8652*ones(1,6)
Nominal = vcat(s_nom,u_nom,l_nom)
sr = zeros(3,6)
ur = zeros(3,6)
sr[:,1] = [96.6610,81.7602,1.0684]
sr[:,2] = [22.2476,125.2511,-0.5530]
sr[:,3] = [-122.4519,36.6453,4.3547]
sr[:,4] = [-120.6859,-34.4565,-4.9014]
sr[:,5] = [24.7769,-125.0489,-4.8473]
sr[:,6] = [91.3462,-80.9866,0.2515]
ur[:,1] = [305.2599,115.0695,2.6210]
ur[:,2] = [-55.2814,322.9819,4.2181]
ur[:,3] = [-244.7954,208.0087,3.9365]
ur[:,4] = [-252.5755,-211.8783,-3.0128]
ur[:,5] = [-53.9678,-320.6115,4.3181]
ur[:,6] = [302.4266,-109.4351,3.3812]
lr = [604.4299 607.2473 600.441 605.9031 604.5251 600.0616]
Real = vcat(sr,ur,lr)
configs =[[-175.0000, 175.0000, 900.000, -1.2500, -0.0584, -0.0500],
[175.0000,-175.0000, 575.4000, 0.0500, 0.0500,-0.0500],
[170.0000, 172.0000, 555.4000, 0.0500,-1.5000, 2.2500],
[-175.0000, 175.0000, 700.0000, -0.0500, 0.0500, -0.0500],
[-174.0000,173.0000, 700.0000, 0.0500,-0.0500, 0.0500],
[-175.0000, 175.0000, 570.3000, 0.0500, 0.0500, 3.0500],
[170.0000, 175.0000, 561.7500, -0.0500, 0.0500, -0.0500],
[-175.0000, -175.0000, 565.0000, -0.3500, -0.12500, -5.0500],
[173.0000, -175.0000, 566.9000, 0.2500, -0.1500, -0.4500],
[175.0000, -175.0000, 800.0000, -0.1500, 0.7500, 0.0500],
[-171.0000, -175.0000, 565.4000, -0.0500, 0.2500, -1.2500]]
#y is the vector of evaluated model solutions (F from Cost function)
#x is the independent variables [the configurations?]
#p model parameters? p0 would be Nominal
configx = [configs[1] configs[2] configs[3] configs[4] configs[5] configs[6] configs[7] configs[8] configs[9] configs[10] configs[11]]
nom_f = [Nominal[:,1],Nominal[:,2],Nominal[:,3],Nominal[:,4],Nominal[:,5],Nominal[:,6]]
C = cost_func(configx,nom_f)
fit = curve_fit(cost_func,configx,C,nom_f)
return fit
The below script works
using LinearAlgebra,Underscores
function cost_func(configs::AbstractArray,params::AbstractArray)
global configm = zeros(6,0) #for measured poses
Rp,Rb = 300/2, 500/2
α,β = 40,85
d = size(configs)[2]
for i =1:d #1:length(configs)
@_ R,_,_,l,_,_ = parallelIK(configs[:,i], Rp, Rb, "xyz",α,β)
B,_ = parallelFK(configs[:,i],l,Rp,Rb,"xyz",α,β,"true") #FK based on the true values
global configm = hcat(configm,B)
loi = 604.8652*ones(6) #nominal leg lengths from table 1
P = [0.0,0.0,700.0,0.0,0.0,0.0] #FK guess
@_ Home,_ = parallelFK(P,loi,Rp,Rb,"xyz",α,β) #using the FK to get the home position
@_ _,_,_,lo,_,_ = parallelIK(Home,Rp,Rb,"xyz",α,β) #nominal leg lenths at the home position
F = zeros(1,0)
lm = zeros(1,0)
for j = 1:d #add another for loop so you can properly index through the legs
for k = 1:6
@_ _,_,_,l,_,_ = parallelIK(configs[:,j], Rp, Rb, "xyz",α,β)
@_ Rm,_,_,_,_,_ = parallelIK(configm[:,j],Rp,Rb,"xyz",α,β) #could I use the outputs from here? no. doesn't make sense.
lm = norm(configm[1:3,j]+Rm*params[k][1:3]-params[k][4:6])#measured length at current iteration
C = (l[k]^2-((lo[k]+lm-params[k][7])^2))^2 #calculated leg lengths as well, push! to F
F = hcat(F,C)
return F