Normalizing a vector to sum to one does not work?

This is an extremely basic question and I have to be missing something, but when trying to normalize matrix A below so that rows sum to one, some (small) differences remain:

A = rand(100,4)

A = A./sum(A, dims = 2)

sum(sum(A, dims =2) .== 1)   # fewer than 100!

Why does this happen? Is there a way to solve this?

The result is due to floating point inaccuracies. The following holds:

A = rand(100,4)

A = A./sum(A, dims = 2)

@assert sum(sum(A, dims =2) .≈ 1) == 100

Alternate name for is isapprox.


Yes, but I need exact sums–I’m thinking of columns as probabilities.

Almost all scientific computing code works with inexact probabilities since the standard level of inexactness offered by floating point is usually not an issue in practice. What level of inexactness creates problems for you?


Well, that eventually results in some distance measures between probability distributions being negative. But now that I know the reason, I will just force them ex-post to be zero.

As @johnmyleswhite mentions with Float types we should always expect these tiny inaccuracies that we force into [0,1] when dealing with probabilities.

However, if you need to guarantee calculations without forcing the outcome an option is to use Rational numbers to declare probabilities.

A = rand(1:10_000_000,100,4)
A = A .// sum(A, dims = 2)

sum(sum(A, dims =2) .== 1)

The big limitation here is the rational numbers overflow in ways potentially more surprising than floating point numbers:

julia> x = 1//10

julia> typeof(x)

julia> for i in 1:1_000
           x *= 1//10
           println((i, x))
(1, 1//100)
(2, 1//1000)
(3, 1//10000)
(4, 1//100000)
(5, 1//1000000)
(6, 1//10000000)
(7, 1//100000000)
(8, 1//1000000000)
(9, 1//10000000000)
(10, 1//100000000000)
(11, 1//1000000000000)
(12, 1//10000000000000)
(13, 1//100000000000000)
(14, 1//1000000000000000)
(15, 1//10000000000000000)
(16, 1//100000000000000000)
(17, 1//1000000000000000000)
ERROR: OverflowError: 1000000000000000000 * 10 overflowed for type Int64
 [1] throw_overflowerr_binaryop(op::Symbol, x::Int64, y::Int64)
   @ Base.Checked ./checked.jl:154
 [2] checked_mul
   @ ./checked.jl:288 [inlined]
 [3] *(x::Rational{Int64}, y::Rational{Int64})
   @ Base ./rational.jl:334
 [4] top-level scope
   @ ./REPL[3]:2

This is actually part of the general problem – given a fixed number of bits, you can trade off exactness for range or range for exactness. Rational numbers have less range, but are exact; floating point have much larger range but are not exact.


I think this is relevant here:


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