I need to deal with tuples of tuples a lot. They are specifically of type NTuple{3,NTuple{2,Int}}
; in other words, each inner tuple has two integers and the outer tuple has three such tuples, like t = ((3,4), (5,6), (7,8))
Also, I frequently need to construct a length-3 tuple by taking one integer per inner tuple. For example, from the above t
I construct (4,5,8)
by taking the 2nd entry from the first inner tuple, 1st entry from the second inner tuple, and 2nd entry from the third inner tuple.
Because I perform this operation frequently, I defined a new getindex
function as a convenience function. The goal was to perform the above operation by t[2,1,2]
. The new getindex
implementation is as follows, and it seemed to work well in REPL:
julia> Base.getindex(t::NTuple{3,NTuple{2,Int}}, i::Int, j::Int, k::Int) = (t[1][i], t[2][j], t[3][k])
julia> t = ((3,4), (5,6), (7,8))
julia> t[2,1,2]
However, if I use this new getindex
inside some function, it suddenly starts returning only the first two entries of the constructed length-3 tuple:
julia> test(t) = t[2,1,2]
test (generic function with 1 method)
julia> test(t)
Am I doing something wrong? Should I file an issue for this? This happens both in Julia v0.5 and v0.6.