Well, I would say that that is a very “numeric computing oriented” position. I know that’s the focus of Julia, but I’m currently exploring it as an intermediate between Python and C++ (as high-level as the former, as fast as the latter) and I suspect others approach Julia that way as well. So I might potentially use it for all kinds of things, not necessarily numeric computing (e.g. text processing, web apps, visualization).

But yes, you need to explicitly export new generic functions
(i.e., new function names , not just new methods of existing functions) that you define, unless you want callers to access them viaMyModule.foo
Again, this might be my different approach in using Julia, as I’m currently (as a first step) doing OO-style programming, where you have a set of structs each with their own specific methods of which only a subset needs to be accessible outside the module. The methods are usually not really applicable to other types of structs. Overcoming this with the MyModule.foo(obj, ...)
style is a bit suboptimal, having a form that suggests an object-oriented method call (which is impossible in Julia, I know) but still having to pass the actual object as first parameter.
I can actually at this point foresee that I might draw the conclusion that Julia is not a good fit for when you really want to do OO-style programming, but with higher (potential) performance than Python while not wanting to use C++.
Edit: After reading Julia OOP example I’d say OO-style here doesn’t necessary mean using inheritance and such, but working with a set of interrelated objects each with their own methods and performing operations on those objects. I hardly use inheritance in practice.