New website

Added an issue here:

BTW, in the scientific domain, if you want to mention quantum computing, I donā€™t think QuantumOptics.jl is accurate. Issued here

And for machine learning, I think Turing.jl should also be mentioned as some kind of Julianā€™s Stan (a classic lib in other languages).

I can make a PR for those if your guys like.

I canā€™t say, but this isnā€™t the first time the term figures prominently in text written by Juliansā€¦

   _       _ _(_)_     |  A fresh approach to technical computing
  (_)     | (_) (_)    |  Documentation:
   _ _   _| |_  __ _   |  Type "?" for help, "]?" for Pkg help.
  | | | | | | |/ _` |  |
  | | |_| | | | (_| |  |  Version 0.7.0 (2018-08-08 06:46 UTC)
 _/ |\__'_|_|_|\__'_|  |  Official release
|__/                   |  x86_64-w64-mingw32


I like the site overall, but in the Julia Observer list, Iā€™m missing the test status that was available in the old siteā€™s package listing.
Frequently when Iā€™m looking for a package related to a topic, I searched the list for keywords and then looked at the very short description and the test status.
While it doesnā€™t tell you how much is really tested, it does give a sense that if the package fails tests in the last 2 versions and the date was a year ago that the package is probably stale and abandoned. This was atleast a warning to use with caution and/or maybe search a bit more if there isnā€™t a more active and recent substitute even if they used slightly different wording in their descriptions.

Especially with all the breaking changes switching from 0.6 to 0.7 and later, Iā€™m missing a proper feedback on when I can attempt switching my work code to 0.7. Currently the package listing page seems to indicate I should probably still wait with only 20% working.
All of the datestamped changes to package test status also only seem to be on the left 0.6 column, no changes on the 0.7 columnā€¦?

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Hi, I realized the version in Spanish has several typos and grammatical mistakes. Is there a way I can help with that? I am native speaker.


The version of what in Spanish? You just need to make a Pull Request to the relevant file.


I guess you are talking about the 1.0 blog post. In that case you can edit with your corrections following this link:


I have the impression that the Julia examples from the old website are gone. Is that correct? Thatā€™s a pity, if I show Julia to new people they want to see a piece of code to understand if it is easy to read.


And now the website is only be displayed in mobile styleā€¦ I think that is a bugā€¦ (I hope).

I donā€™t know what ā€œmobile styleā€ is, but the website works fine for me on a desktop.

Can confirm that it looks good both in my laptop (normal wide screen) and mobile phone (vertical layout).

Yes, it dynamically reflows the layout several different ways depending upon your window width. Perhaps try making your window wider?

Iā€™ve noticed, however, a strange behavior on mobile for which I opened an issue:

Can anyone reproduce?

I can reproduce on iOS 12.4, Safari, Firefox and Chrome.

Iā€™m pretty sure the problem is the width of the iframe that contains the Juliacon videos. Hereā€™s a 20 second clip that uses the cool mobile browser emulation feature in desktop Chrome (ā€œtoggle device toolbarā€) and Firefox (ā€œresponsive design modeā€) to demonstrate the issue:

Sorry that itā€™s so blurry. I wanted to test imgurā€™s new video clip capability but apparently their reencoding is really aggressive.

EDIT: I reposted this to the Github issue opened by @lostella.


Looks nice. Would it be possible to add the respective probabilistic programming languages (Turing, Soss, Gen) to the Machine Learning and the Data Science ecosystems?

They seem to be missing at the moment.

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Please make a PR to add them. The website code is here: