## The problem
I think the signatures generated for docstrings create problem…s when type parameters are involved. This can be seen when searching docstrings based on signatures. My understanding of the intended behavior is that only docstrings matching the given signature should be displayed or, if none exists, all docstrings for the given function. This works well without type parameters, but not with them. I reported this already in #52669, but I didn’t get any response. The present PR intends to fix this issue. The underlying problem is somewhat subtle, so I try to explain it in detail.
EDIT: The builds fail because a change in `doc/src/stdlib/SparseArrays.md` is needed, see below.
## Examples
help?> filter(iszero)
displays the two docstrings
filter(f, a)
although the first one doesn't match the signature.
help?> NamedTuple([:a => 1, :b => 2])
although only the last one matches.
## What is going wrong?
Here are the signatures used by the help system for the examples above:
julia> using Base.Docs: META, @var, signature
julia> function docsigs(f, M::Module)
@eval keys(getfield($M, META)[@var $f].docs)
julia> docsigs(:filter, Base)
KeySet for a IdDict{Any, Any} with 4 entries. Keys:
Tuple{Any, Base.SkipMissing{<:AbstractArray}}
Tuple{Any, AbstractDict}
Union{Tuple{N}, Tuple{T}, Tuple{Any, Array{T, N}}} where {T, N}
julia> docsigs(:NamedTuple, Base.BaseDocs)
KeySet for a IdDict{Any, Any} with 4 entries. Keys:
Union{Tuple{Tuple}, Tuple{T}, Tuple{names}} where {names, T}
Union{Tuple{Tuple}, Tuple{names}} where names
Union{Tuple{NamedTuple}, Tuple{names}} where names
The third entry for `filter` comes from
as can be seen via
julia> signature(:( filter(f, a::Array{T, N}) where {T, N} ))
:((Union{Tuple{Any, Array{T, N}}, Tuple{N}, Tuple{T}} where N <: Any) where T <: Any)
The type parameters `T` and `N` have been added as signatures, which leads to wrong search results.
The first entry for `NamedTuple` comes from
Here the same happens with the parameters `names` and `T`, even in the absence of a `where` clause:
julia> signature(:( NamedTuple{names,T}(args::Tuple) ))
:((Union{Tuple{Tuple}, Tuple{T}, Tuple{names}} where T <: Any) where names <: Any)
## The problematic code
The signatures attached to docstrings are generated by the function `Base.Docs.signature!`. PR #21036 added among other things the following statements:
The `for` loop adds type parameters from `where` clauses as additional signatures, which was the problem for `filter`. In the absence of `where` clauses, the `if` statement does the same with `:curly` expressions. We have seen this for `NamedTuple`.
## Proposed solution
The PR deletes these two loops. As far as I can tell, searching docstrings by signatures then works as expected. However, docstrings attached to constructors like
cannot be distinguished anymore because the signatures of the arguments are the same. Attaching a docstring to the second call replaces the first one. At present they can be distinguished, and this may have been the motivation for #21036.
That having different docstrings for constructors differing only by a type parameter could have been the original motivation is also indicated by two tests in `test/docs.jl`. One checks that the signatures have the (now problematic) form, and the other one checks that different docstrings can be attached to constructors like the `NamedTuple` example above. I’ve modified the former test and marked the other one as `@test_broken`. `NamedTuple` is the only case where I have seen this problem. (I've compiled Julia and loaded all standard libs.) I've merged the corresponding docstrings into one. I have also changed two lines in the documentation.
Also, docstrings attached to constructor calls with parameters must now use a `where` clause if the parameter is used for the arguments. For example,
"doc" A{T}(x::T)
is currently allowed, but would have to be written
"doc" A{T}(x::T) where T
For this reason, one needs the following additional change to build the documentation. The file is from a different git repository, see [here](https://github.com/JuliaSparse/SparseArrays.jl/blob/main/docs/src/index.md).
$ diff doc/src/stdlib/SparseArrays.md.orig doc/src/stdlib/SparseArrays.md
< permute!{Tv, Ti, Tp <: Integer, Tq <: Integer}(::SparseMatrixCSC{Tv,Ti}, ::SparseMatrixCSC{Tv,Ti}, ::AbstractArray{Tp,1}, ::AbstractArray{Tq,1})
> permute!{Tv, Ti, Tp, Tq}(::SparseMatrixCSC{Tv,Ti}, ::SparseMatrixCSC{Tv,Ti}, ::AbstractArray{Tp,1}, ::AbstractArray{Tq,1}) where {Tv, Ti, Tp <: Integer, Tq <: Integer}
With this change the documentation builds without problems.
## Changing less?
(ADDED) One could avoid the changes just mentioned if one kept part of the code that I delete, namely the lines that treat `:curly` expressions like `where` clauses. This is problematic, however, because on the level of expressions free parameters cannot be distinguished from constant parameters. Consider the following example:
struct A{T} end
"doc Int" A{Int}(x::Int) = A{Int}()
"doc T" A{T}(x) where T = A{T}()
The signature for the first docstring would be converted to `Tuple{Int} where Int`, which is the same as `Tuple{Any}`. Hence `help?> A{Int}(1.0)` would display both docstrings although the first one doesn't match. (This is also the current behavior.)
## Conclusion
I think that the current situation is not desirable and should be changed. Whether the proposed PR is the right way to go is up for debate. That docstrings can be attached to function calls (instead of method definitions) is not documented, I believe. In this sense one could say that the change made by this PR would be non-breaking. In any case, let me know what you think.