New website

The new website looks great! To my eyes it’s a major improvement over the old one, but there are a few minor details I miss from the old site:

  • A small code sample, to give a taste of what the language looks like and to highlight that Julia can be as easy as pseudocode. The old site used a couple of microbenchmarks, which proves that simple code can also be performant. Just a link is fine if you want to keep the main page short.
  • I read the main page twice and found no link to benchmarks anywhere. I needed to do a Ctrl-F to find the tiny link that’s right under the download button. Somehow the layout made it invisible to me, even when I was looking for it. Maybe benchmarks should be linked elsewhere as well, for example…
  • … the Julia in a Nutshell section could use a few links to explain and support the claims made there. E.g. a link to benchmarks under “Julia is fast” and a link to a brief explanation of multiple dispatch and why it’s so useful.
  • The thing I miss most of all is a small statement that immediately hooked me on Julia: that most of Julia’s standard library is written in Julia itself, even primitive operations like integer addition. Julia confidently eats its own dog food. This convinced me on the spot that the core language is brutally fast, even without seeing benchmarks.