
How often will the documentation update? I notice that the current docs are some two weeks old at this point. Could it be automatically triggered for a single package when a new version is registered in the registry?

On a side note, the recent JuliaComputing news letter contained a dead link to the repo DocumentationGenerator.jl

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The build system will look for new releases every 30 min. If document generation for a particular release fails, it sticks with the older/existing version. Could you specify the package which didn’t have the latest release docs?

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Ah okay, that sounds good. The following package seems to be stuck at a two weeks old release

My package is stuck at a release ~20 days old. PetrKryslUCSD / FinEtools
Is that expected? How often is the list updated?

It’s meant to update regularly, but something is preventing updates, we’re looking into it

Okay, thanks. I will be patient.

MonteCarloMeasurements is now pointing to the latest version

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The latest registered release of PetrKryslUCSD / FinEtools is v1.0.3, which is already hosted.

My bad, I forgot about the need to use the Registrator.

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This seems to be a problem again. Which repo is the right place to open issues for this?

Open issues against DocumentationGenerator

Just stumbled upon this topic and asked myself what is one standard way to build such docs with a file like docs/make.jl.
I found it and want to share it here for others who may be looking for it like I did.

Documenter.jl is such a package, also developed by the JuliaDocs organisation. It helps you writing your docs folder and docs/make.jl file.