New colorscheme for Plots.jl 2.0

For the upcoming Plots.jl 2.0 we are thinking about changing the default colorschemes. We identified 3 potential candidates for a new color palette and 4 potential gradients. You can see the combinations in action in this post on github.

Please cast your vote here:

  • tol_bright
  • tol_light
  • seaborn_colorblind
  • A different one (post your answer)
0 voters
  • devon
  • lajolla
  • navia
  • lipari
  • A different one (post your answer)
0 voters
  • cmocean, matter
  • cmocean, haline
0 voters
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Graphics libraries like matplotlib, plotly, bokeh, altair, have as default gradient a perceptually uniform
colorscheme, but not one defined according to a color model that has more than 40 years (Crameri’s scientific colormaps, Kovesi colormaps are defined using such a model).
These libraries (matplotlib, plotly, bokeh, altair, etc) have as default sequential colorscheme one defined according to a colormodel, presented at the link that follows, i.e. the same colormodel used in the definition of viridis, plasma, inferno, magma, and cmocean colormaps). More details here

Image illustrating that lajolla, devon, navia and lipari are not perceptually uniform:

A good choice could be one of the sequential colormaps from cmocean package:


Where can be found the definition of lipari and navia to check their lightness? A search in github repo, ColorSchemes.jl, doesn’t return a data file with these names?

Github doesn’t search files larger than about 300KB. Because ColorSchemes/data/scicolor.jl is 827KB, it can’t be searched for in Github.

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I’ve succeeded to get the files and inserted the plots of their lightness as can be seen above. Thanks!

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Do I understand correctly that what we want is a colormap with low variation in the perceptual differences between adjacent colors? If DE_2000 is a good metric of these differences then we can look at the standard deviation to find those with low variation?

using GLMakie, IterTools
firstarg(x, xs...) = x
let step = 1
    metric = DE_2000()
    syms = [:viridis, :inferno, :devon, :tokyo, :matter, :ice, :deep, :haline]
    fig = Figure()
    css = map(syms) do s
        getproperty(ColorSchemes, s).colors[begin:step:end]
    dss = map(css) do cs
        IterTools.partition(cs, 2, 1) .|> splat((a,b) -> colordiff(a,b; metric))
    order = sortperm(dss; by=std)
    syms = syms[order]
    css = css[order]
    dss = dss[order]
    Label(fig[1,1], "Perceptual differences\n$(typeof(metric))(colormap[$(step == 1 ? "" : step)n], colormap[$(step == 1 ? "" : step)(n+1)])"; fontsize=20, tellwidth=false)
    gl = GridLayout(fig[2,1], length(syms)+1, 4; font="Noto Sans")
    Label(gl[1,1], "colormap"; font="Noto Bold")
    Label(gl[1,2], "mean"; font="Noto Bold")
    Label(gl[1,3], "std"; font="Noto Bold")
    axes = map(enumerate(zip(syms, css, dss))) do (i, (sym, cs, ds))
        Label(gl[i+1,1], string(sym); tellheight=false, font="Noto Bold")
        Label(gl[i+1,2], string(round(mean(ds); digits=2)), tellheight=false)
        Label(gl[i+1,3], string(round(std(ds); digits=2)), tellheight=false)
        ylims = (0, 1.2step)
        ax = Axis(gl[i+1,4], limits=(nothing, ylims))
        heatmap!(ax, eachindex(cs), range(ylims[1], ylims[2]; length=10), firstarg; colormap=cs)
        lines!(ax, ds; color=:white)
        # lines don't support stroke (, so hack it.
        lines!(ax, ds .- .02; color=:black, linewidth=.7)
        lines!(ax, ds .+ .02; color=:black, linewidth=.7)
        ax, std(ds)
    save("/tmp/fig.png", fig; px_per_unit=2, size=(1200,800))

I think turbo is intended to make small differences visible, so I guess there’s an opportunity for comparing the std to the mean adjacent difference. As expected, turbo gives away some uniformity to get some more contrast.

let metric = DE_2000()
    syms = [:viridis, :inferno, :devon, :tokyo, :hawaii, :buda, :matter, :ice, :deep, :haline, :turbo]
    css = map(syms) do s
        getproperty(ColorSchemes, s).colors
    dss = map(css) do cs
        IterTools.partition(cs, 2, 1) .|> splat((a,b) -> colordiff(a,b; metric))
    fig = Figure()
    ax = Axis(fig[1,1]; title="$(typeof(metric)) adjacent differences", xlabel="mean", ylabel="std")
    text!(ax, sum.(dss)/256, std.(dss); text=string.(syms), align=(:center, :baseline))

@peterkovesi who developed GitHub - peterkovesi/PerceptualColourMaps.jl: Perceptually Uniform Colour Maps for Julia might have some thoughts as well.

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I strongly second that the default gradient should be perceptually uniform.

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I recall that a colorscheme is perceptually uniform if transforming each RGB color in its definition to a color in the space CAM02-UCS, of coords (lightness, chroma, hue), the lightness is linear. This means that the graph of the function that associates to each normalized value x\in [0,1] the lightness if its corresponding color in the colorscheme is a line. In the plots posted above the graph of lightness of the lajolla, devon, navia and lipari are not straight lines.

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+1 for perceptual uniformity. I like the magma colormap a lot, and the similar Cmocean matter. Viridis and haline are good too.