(this question is related to How to use multiple inputs in `NeuralODE` object? with a concrete example)
Hi, I am trying to define a NeuralODE that takes two inputs (one input is a Float array, another is an Int array). First I define a neural network as derivative:
using Flux
# following struct is used to take two inputs
struct TwoInputsLayer # layer take two inputs and aggregate with `op`
op # operation to aggregate them
(m::TwoInputsLayer)(x) = m.op(m.layer1(x[1]), m.layer2(x[2]))
Flux.@functor TwoInputsLayer
dudt = Chain(TwoInputsLayer(Dense(10, 16), Flux.Embedding(5, 16), +), Dense(16, 4));
This derivative neural network dudt
works fine that following code
emb_input = rand(1:5, (100))
dense_input = rand(10, 100);
dudt((dense_input, emb_input))
gives outputs correctly:
4×100 Matrix{Float64}:
2.06809 0.692935 -0.0242472 … -0.492044 0.197574 1.71923
-1.1337 1.1563 1.05582 -0.27764 0.596584 -1.46373
-1.33768 -0.357405 0.0795294 -0.257927 -0.345279 -0.933275
-2.12861 -0.844005 0.0125842 0.270249 -0.304456 -1.40022
However, when I pass dudt
to construct a NeuralODE
tspan = (0., 1.)
t = range(0., 1., length=10)
n_ode = NeuralODE(dudt, tspan, Tsit5(), saveat=t, reltol=1e-3, abstol=1e-5)
and pass the same inputs:
n_ode((dense_input, emb_input))
I got following error:
[1] recursive_unitless_bottom_eltype(a::Type{Any}) (repeats 79984 times)
@ RecursiveArrayTools ~/.julia/packages/RecursiveArrayTools/cbsoB/src/utils.jl:91
If I remove parathesis:
n_ode(dense_input, emb_input)
I still have following error:
BoundsError: attempt to access 100-element Vector{Int64} at index [1:160]
Does anyone know what is the correct way to pass two inputs to NeuralODE
? Here we only want the derivatives for first input dense_input
not on second one emb_input
since emb_input
is an Int array.
Any ideas or suggestions would be much appreciated, thanks!